
2015 Disneyland 5K Race Recap

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Last weekend, I ran the Disneyland 5K.

I ran it because:

DL 5K 1

I knew this bling would be wicked cute, and I wasn’t disappointed!

I had not run the 5K at Disneyland before, so this was new. ?And honestly, I don’t think I’ve fully run a 5K at Disney ever! ?But that changed thanks to my roommate’s racing goals. ?She challenged me to keep up… and I tried. ?Ha.

This race came hot on the heels of a full day at the parks, Expo, Disneyland Half 10th Anniversary party, and shopping at Force Friday. ?Fitbit gave me a whopping 3 hours and 42 minutes of sleep that night.

5K DL 3

DL Anniversary party

Force Friday 1

I was pooped, but that wasn’t going to keep Bing Bong from running the first race of the weekend.

I loved this costume and loved all the Inside Out runners on the course (more on this in a bit!). ?Since there were so many little kids on the course, I got a lot of love running as my favorite imaginary friend.



My friend, Jane, had some major goals to crush this weekend and wanted to race the 5K hard enough to get her legs woken up. ?I couldn’t promise I’d be fast, but we agreed on some intervals that we were both comfortable with and set out to run as much of the 5K as we could.

We did withhold rights to stop for pictures. ?And there was some talk of grabbing a coffee in Downtown Disney- I was pretty sure that was a joke. ?But… well, I’ll get to that.

We ran until?we reached Cars Land, where I made a quick pit stop and Jane grabbed a picture with Mater. ?Lightning Mc Queen was also in his usual spot.

The rest of Disney’s California Adventure didn’t provide us with much by way of photos (Chip and Dale were out, but we chose to keep running), so we made our way over to Disneyland.

5K DL 5

It was at this point that our friend, Joe, texted saying he was in line at Starbucks. ?Did we want something?


I placed an order for a tall, nonfat mocha with no whip and jumped in for my Pinnochio picture.

Main Street, USA, was filling with runners and the cast members were cheering loudly.

This one tried to jump out of my picture.

No sir, you WILL be in my blog! ?Get back in there!

5K DL 6

The castle was brilliantly lit up. ?I absolutely love the diamond 60th Anniversary overlay. ?And secretly can’t wait until Cinderella Castle gets the same treatment in about 20 more years!

5k dl 7

After this picture we decided our coffee might be getting cold. ?And that Joe might be getting bored since he’d been waiting on us for a while.

If you haven’t done the math, Joe is wicked fast. ?We are not. ?We had some ground to make up!

We passed by Snow White and her Prince and waved to Maleficent on the Pirates of the Caribean bridge.

She was pretty creepy! ?I hoped to see her on the 10K course, but that did not happen. ?#WhompWhomp

We finally made it to Starbucks. ?And to my coffee.

At this point I realized the error of this plan: one cannot safely run with hot coffee. ?But I gave it my best effort.

5K DL 8

We crossed the finish line with Starbucks held high and huge smiles on our faces.

While our time wasn’t as fast as Jane hoped for, it was clearly my fault with that coffee break. ?I’ll let her coach yell at me for holding her back. ?We still finished around 14:30 per mile. ?Not bad considering the Shenanigans that happened and the fact that the last runDisney 5K I “ran” clocked in around 2 hours. ?*cough* Avengers 5K *cough*

Enormous time improvement, no?

I waited for this race to finish because some of my friends also dressed as Inside Out characters, and I knew they brought their A-game to this race. ?They did not have a Bing Bong, so I wanted to claim them for an epic picture when they crossed the finish line.

Plus I LOVED watching all the families cross the finish line together. ?The 5K is truly for everyone and I enjoyed being a part of it.

5K DL Inside Out

Did I mention epic? ?Because this clearly WON the 5K.

We ended up standing in place for almost 30 minutes as kids and other runners came up for pictures. ?It was such a joy to see how the little kids ADORED these costumed adults. ?Well done, friends. ?You made so many wee runDisney fans smile! ?And their parents too- ha!

Did you run the Disneyland 5K? ?What did you love about it?

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