2016 runDisney Princess Half Medals

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Alright, adorable.  

The Little Mermaid theme is in full effect this year!  Will you be running under the sea at this year’s race? 

ETA: if you didn’t sign up but still want to run, email sarah@gomagicalmiles.com She has all race bibs available last I checked.  Let her know Patty sent you! 


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  1. Woo hoooo!! Thanks for the scoop, Patty! I’m excited to show my 10 year old daughter tonight – we’re doing the 5k together. 🙂 Our first runDisney!!!

  2. Oh em gee, I’m so sad that I’m not running this year. LM is my all time favorite and after 4 years at PHM I’m devastated that the one year I’m going to be taking phd exams and 27 weeks pregnant is the year that this is the theme. These medals, plus the new balances, I can’t even deal. 🙁

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