The Breakup
It didn’t take long. ?A whopping 15 minutes, actually.
Dear Shaun T,?
It’s not you… okay, wait, it is. ?Well, it’s really not YOU so much as the program. ?
It’s about time.?
I’ve tried multiple times over the past couple of years to love T25.
I’ve made it two weeks before, but generally it’s just a couple of workouts, and then I move on.
It’s not difficult- I mean, it’s hard but not HARD hard. ?I can do the moves and hang for the 25 minutes of course. ?It’s just that the program is so boring. ?Did I say that out loud?
Sigh, yeah… boring.
Today was the final draw. ? After only 15 minutes of this:
I called it. ?I stopped the DVD and called an audible.
I considered putting in another disc, but the truth was I couldn’t do it anymore. ?T25 and I were just done.
I wasn’t done working out, though. ?Good thing I’ve got another coach on call.
Oh, Tonnnnyyyy….
Yep. ? Tony is the coach for me. ? (No offense, Shaun T.).
I was much happier working through P90X (Legs and Back) for an hour then those 15 minutes of T25. ?Isn’t that a little nuts?
I discovered that I missed the feel of weights; I missed the sneaky?lunges; and, dang it, I even missed Dreya.
During the summer of 2010 (I think?) I completed a full round of P90X. ?My take away from those 90 days was how smooth and effortless running felt. ?I remember bumping the speed up on the treadmill and feeling like I could fly. ?I miss that feeling. ?A lot.
And I could see some arm definition, which was pretty hot.
I’m going back to Tony for weights for crosstraining. ?Yep. ?That’s the right call for me.
Shaun T, I’m sorry. ?You seem like a swell guy, but I’m breaking up with you. ?
ps- anyone want to buy a slightly used T25 program? ?I’ll make you a deal! Ha!
Have you ever dropped a workout program that just didn’t gel for you??
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
Jillian Michaels; she absolutely does not motivate me. I don’t want somebody yelling at me while I exercise.
I like Shaun T, but I haven’t tried any of his programs since Insanity. His earlier programs are tons of fun!
I actually like Jillian- and the mute button when I need it. Ha!
I dropped Wednesday/Sunday spin at the gym. I don’t like the substitute instructor’s workout style. All uphill sprints ALL.THE.TIME.
I’m now doing the elliptical and the TRX app to fill the gap until my favorite instructor comes back from maternity leave.
Oh gosh- all uphill spin? Imma gonna say no to that too. Ouch.