
Baked Eggs in Avocados | Atkins and Keto Family Meals

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The Keto diet is another way to experience a low-carb way of life. This baked eggs in avocados recipe is one of our favorite keto family meals. It’s perfect for followers on the Atkins 40 plan as well as those looking for keto recipes.?


baked eggs in avocados keto recipe low carb atkins compliant meal


Fun fact about me: avocados are my JAM, y’all.

Which is hilarious considering I didn’t touch one until well into my 30s. Growing up in Texas I was exposed to a lot of guacamole and always turned my nose up at it. It just didn’t look right to me.

As they say, with age comes wisdom, and I’ve gotten over that in a huge way.

Thankfully avocados are A-OK on the Atkins 40?and keto diet plans, because, um, I love them.


eggs and avocados for keto recipe
Baked Eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins compliant meals. Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.


Second to my love of avocados are eggs. Give ’em to me scrambled, baked, poached, fried, hard boiled… now I sound like Forest Gump!

But really, eggs are my go-to meal when I’m following a keto diet or Atkins-approved?program. The Atkins 40 plan is low on carbs, high on protein, and unafraid of healthy fats.? Just like the ketogenic diet plan!

So, yeah, eggs & avocados are PERFECT here.

I’ll often fry an egg and slice up some avocados on the side, which is nice, but we can do better.

What if we combined the two into one dish?

Mind blown, y’all.

And this recipe is simple enough with just a few ingredients that you’ll be making them in no time.


Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins 40 compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.


Baked Eggs in Avocados | Keto Family Meals


Baked Eggs in Ingredients

  • 2 avocados
  • 2 eggs
  • scallions
  • cherry tomatoes
  • salt
  • pepper


Directions: Baked Eggs in Avocado Low Carb Keto Diet

Slice the avocado in half. Remove the seed.

Scoop out the avocado just a bit with a spoon.

You’ll need to make a little extra room for the full egg to fit inside.


Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins 40 compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.


Crack an egg and pour it into the avocado shell.

Do this slowly.

The egg whites are slippery, and we lost a bit over the side the first time we attempted this recipe.


Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins 40 compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.


Load into an oven safe dish.

Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes.

Ours cooked a little longer because I’m not a fan of runny egg whites, but you’ll cook to your egg preference.


Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins 40 compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.
Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins 40 compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.


Remove from the oven and transfer to your plate.

Here’s where you can have some fun.

We used salt, pepper, scallions and cherry tomatoes on our eggs.

But you could garnish it with anything that works for you: mushrooms, cheese, bacon, or chives for example.


Baked eggs in Avocado keto family meals and keto recipes


My kids LOVE this and say it’s one of their favorite family keto recipes, but they don’t have the avocado hang up that I did when I was their age.

That’s a Mom win, right there!

What’s your favorite way to eat avocados or eggs? I’m always looking for new options!?

Baked eggs in Avocado: two all-star ingredients for your summer Atkins compliant meals.! Low carbs, high flavor. Gluten Free and Dairy Free. Perfect for brunch or breakfast.

Baked Eggs in Avocados | Family Keto Recipe

Yield: 2 eggs
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Active Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes

Keto diet recipe for a low-carb breakfast. Perfect for followers of the Atkins 40 plan, too!


  • 2 avocados
  • 2 eggs
  • scallions
  • cherry tomatoes
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Slice the avocado in half. Remove the seed.
  2. Scoop out the avocado just a bit with a spoon.
  3. You'll need to make a little extra room for the full egg to fit inside.Crack an egg and pour it into the avocado shell. Do this slowly. The egg whites are slippery, and we lost a bit over the side the first time we attempted this recipe.
  4. Load into an oven safe dish.
  5. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. Ours cooked a little longer because I'm not a fan of runny egg whites, but you'll cook to your egg preference.
  6. Remove from the oven and transfer to your plate.
  7. Here's where you can have some fun.We used salt, pepper, scallions and cherry tomatoes on our eggs.But you could garnish it with anything that works for you: mushrooms, cheese, bacon, or chives for example.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 2
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 450Total Fat: 35gCarbohydrates: 2 netgProtein: 15g

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