Avoiding Injury | Galloway Blogger Tips

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One of my favorite aspects about runDisney events is getting to run into the fabulous people of the running community.

No one is more fabulous than Jeff & Barbara Galloway.


During the Princess Half Marathon weekend and again on the Disney Dream I had a few opportunities to chat with Jeff.

He’s always so encouraging and has time to help runners talk about their concerns.? I’m sure one of the topics that comes around most often are runner’s injuries.

Here’s a few tips he sent to his ambassadors about avoiding injuries using his run/walk/run method.

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Jeff went on to share:

Most injuries experienced by my runners are due to 1) pacing long runs too fast, 2) increasing the weekly mileage too quickly, 3)lengthening stride and 4) stretching.

The principle in staying injury free is to balance gentle stress with the right recovery periods-allowing for rebuilding. (for more information, see my book RUNNING INJURIES)

Finding the right Run/Walk/Run strategy from the beginning of a run has been the best way I’ve found to stay injury free, come back from an injury and in some cases, continue to run while the injury heals. (See my book RUN WALK RUN)

As long as you stay below the threshold of irritation you can often continue to run while the injury heals.

Have you encountered injuries from running?? Has the run/walk/run method helped you work through them?

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