Back to School: the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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I just dropped off my youngest at preschool.? My oldest walked out the door to take himself across the street to school.? And the middle two have been gone for 5 minutes.

Awwwww yeaaahhhhh!?

Back to school absolutely IS the most wonderful time of the year in the Shenanigans house.


Remember back in June?? When I was not feeling all the heat and the togetherness?

It wasn’t pretty.

But we made it through.

We went bowling, we went to museums, we went on vacations, we went hiking, we went to the park, and we went to the pool.? We saw family, we went putt-putt golfing, and we played Clue 80,000,000 times.

Yes, there was Xbox and the Disney Channel.

If I never see another episode of Jessie again, it might be too soon.

I’m reclaiming the TV.? Filling my days with Outlander viewings.

I may just have it on a constant loop all day long.


Jamie. Fraser.? Y’all.? Ahem.

Mr. Shenanigans is also a red-head of Scottish origins so really it’s kinda the same thing.


This is the first time all my children will be off to school at the same time AND I don’t have a typical day job to fill my time.

I’m kinda liking the possibilities.

Running?? Yes.? Lots of that.? I let this slide a bit in favor of sleeping in.

Cleaning?? Yes.? Lots of that.? I let this slide a bit in favor of not making myself crazy.? With the kids home ALL DAY LONG it was near impossible to keep things clean.? Or at least it took a lot more effort than I was willing to put out.

Working?? Yes.? Lots of that.? I’ve got a Disneyland at Christmas series I want to complete (before next Christmas! ha!) and I’m updating characters you might see on the race courses at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.? These things take a lot of time and some focus.? (You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, seriously.)

Miss the kids?? Yes.? Lots of that.? For all my bluster and bravado, I am sure that the hours will be filled worrying and hoping they are ok.

I hope they meet friends.

I hope they like their teachers.

I hope their teachers LOVE them.

I hope they remember to turn in lunch money.

I hope they don’t miss the bus.

I hope Luke takes a hat so he doesn’t sunburn on the walk home.

I hope they don’t pee on themselves (mostly this is for #OhLucy but really, I have this hope for all of them.)

Lucy 1st day

Over the past 2 weeks their little worlds were turned upside down yet again.

Just days ago we were given the official news: we aren’t going back to the private school.? With short notice the kids had to adjust to the news that they were starting over.


Sigh.? Just what we hoped to avoid when we moved here.

The easy transition in January was a fake out.? Even though we’ve been here for 6 months, well, looks like we are the new family.


As a child who moved multiple times and was perpetually “the new girl,” my heart aches a little.? Okay, a lot.

I know they will be ok.? I do.? Really.? But it’s still tough.

Claire and Seth new school

If you have a moment to say a little prayer/send positive vibes to the teachers, administrators, school employees and all the kids heading into unknown waters, I’d sure appreciate it.

Ah well… it’s nothing a little running, cleaning, working and Jamie Fraser can’t fix though, amIright?

If you need me, I’ll be on the treadmill and speaking with a Scots accent.

ps. Luke is not pictured.? Not because I don’t love him but because apparently when you turn 11 and go to middle school you also turn too cool to pose for pictures.? Too cool to cooperate with the woman who gained 60 pounds and 10 stretch marks on his behalf.? Waaahhhhhh… my baby is growing up!

When does your family head back to school?? Any huge changes going on over there?

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  1. I have a coworker who isn’t looking forward to back to school. It means she’ll be battling her kid to get his homework done. Every single night.

  2. Yes – to all of that. You know I love my alone time. BUT I had the same concerns. I want people who are going to love my babies like I do. Or, hopefully, better than I do in some situations! But I’m not gonna lie – the first day of school, I got my run in, but then my happy fanny sat on the couch for a Once Upon A Time marathon.

  3. Love it! I can’t wait till school starts for my kiddos, be it will only be half days for the one going to kindergarten and 3 days a week for the preschooler, I still can’t wait for my alone time. πŸ™‚

  4. Noooo! No talking about school starting. I love my summers and my sleeping in. I feel you on the starting over again though. I hope they had a great day!

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