
The Best Order To Watch Star Wars Movies PDF

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The Star Wars saga comes to an end on December 20, 2019 when Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker lands in theaters. Here is the best order to watch Star Wars Movies so you can be ready for that day! And there’s a printable PDF as well. May the Force Be With You. ps- grab the best Mandalorian Season 2 quotes here!

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker Poster

This year has been tough on geeky fans. We said goodbye to some of our Marvel favorites with Avengers: Endgame and also gave the women of The Game of Thrones a big send-off. 

I even had to tearfully say so-long to my pals over at Cal Tech and the Big Bang Theory. Weep!

2019 has been tough on us nerds, yo! And we’re wrapping it all up with Star Wars Episode 9, the final episode of one of the most epic franchises of the past 40 years. 

Let’s just hope it delivers a proper farewell on December 20th. 


Before that happens, how about a Star Wars movie marathon to bring the stories back to mind? Or if you have a new fan who’s looking to get into Star Wars like my friend Jane was (a not-so-long time ago) this is the perfect time to get them on board that Death Star. 

Errr, wait… maybe not the Death Star. ‘Cause… (no spoilers, just, yeah, no Death Star). 

How To Watch The Star Wars Movies: Release or Chronological Order? Or Something Else?

Release or Chronological Order?

Or maybe in Machete Order?

Or the way Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker himself, says you should watch them? 

Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley arrive on the red carpet for the world premiere of Lucasfilm?s Star Wars: The Last Jedi at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, December 9, 2017..(Photo: Alex J. Berliner / ABImages )

There’s actually a ton of ways to watch these movies and the fandom is pretty divided over what is the best way to watch the Star Wars movies. 

If you want to explore all the options, check out this list of Star Wars Movies in Order to watch before the Rise of Skywalker.

This post, however, is about the BEST way to watch Star Wars movies. Sure, that might be subjective, but I think I’m right in my viewing preference. 

And you know, everything you’ve heard about me is true. 

Lando running costume for Star Wars Rival Run 5K
Running the Star Wars: Rival Run 5K in the rain as Lando- as one does. 

Best Order to Watch Star Wars Movies

1. Rogue One. This is where I shake things up. I say watch this first because the ending so brilliantly rolls into A New Hope that I just love watching them back to back. So. Don’t listen to anyone else; watch this one- and then all the others as listed below. The payoff is worth it!

2. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. I say this is 2nd- even though this was the first Star Wars movie made. You’ll appreciate Rogue One even more if you watch it in this order. 

3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back


4. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

5. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Wait- hold up- did we miss something? Yes, yes we did. Because Phantom Menace is trash and even if you want it for backstory, ugh, just don’t. You’ll figure it out, it’s not hard. Sorry- but this is my hill to die on. Roll past Episode I and get on with it and Episode II!

6. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. You love a bad boy? Then you’ll love this one. 

7. Solo: A Star Wars Story People online are super wrong about this one. It’s great, watch it, and learn a little backstory of Han & Lando. Also: if you’re going to Galaxy’s Edge, this is the only Star Wars Movie to mention Black Spire Outpost. 

Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in star wars movie order
Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.

8. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. It was a really long wait for this one: and it was worth it. You meet Finn, Poe, Rey and BB8. Oh, and some guy named Kylo Ren. 

9. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Look, it’s not perfect… but I still loved it.  

10. Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. I’ll be sobbing in the theater on December 20, 2019. SOBBING. I don’t even care if the movie is bad, I’m just going to be crying because it’s over. 

Best Order To Watch Star Wars Movies PDF

Like the list? Ready to print it out and cross off each one as you finish it?

Great- I love lists too. So here’s the best order to watch Star Wars movies PDF for you to print out. 

Click on the image below and it takes you to a printable PDF of all the Star Wars movies in my list above.

Best order to watch Star Wars Movies PDF

It’s October, so you really do have time to watch one of these each week(-ish) in order to be ready for The Rise of Skywalker. 

Who’s ready for the Star Wars Movie Marathon with me? Or an actual Star Wars Half Marathon? Either work! 

Side note: lots of Star Wars peeps also love Marvel. Are you looking for a Marvel Movies List PDF? I’ve got that for you right here. 


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