Best Quotes From Ticket To Paradise

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We love a good rom-com and if they star Julia Roberts and George Clooney, even better! Here are some of the best quotes from Ticket To Paradise.

Best quotes from Ticket to Paradise

Here are some of the best quotes from Ticket To Paradise.

About Ticket to Paradise

Academy Award® winners George Clooney and Julia Roberts reunite on the big screen as exes who find themselves on a shared mission to stop their lovestruck daughter from making the same mistake they once made.

From Working Title, Smokehouse Pictures and Red Om Films, Ticket to Paradise is a romantic comedy about the sweet surprise of second chances.

Watch the Ticket To Paradise trailer here.

Read the Ticket To Paradise parents guide.

ticket to paradise movie quotes

Best Quotes From Ticket To Paradise

They thought that I could do better. -Georgia

Long story short, she didn’t move to California. – Dave

I really don’t think this whole “being an adult” thing is gonna work out for me. – Wren quotes from Ticket To Paradise

Don’t say hi for me. – David

What about aggressive aggression? Is that ok? -Georgia

You gotta be kidding me. – Georgia

At least when I date it’s age appropriate. -David

Love you. -Georgia

Love you more. -David

So proud. -Georgia quotes from Ticket To Paradise

Prouder.- David

Proudest. -Georgia

ticket to paradise movie quotes

I like the French. I like their fries. Toast. – David

See you again. Never. -Georgia

Make good choices. -David
Always. -Lilly
Rarely. -Wren

If we don’t make it, love you like a sister. -Wren

You hate your sister. -Lilly quotes from Ticket To Paradise

All I see is a super hot boat guy. -Wren

How could they forget about you? -Gede quotes from Ticket To Paradise

I am so out of balance. -Lilly

movie quotes from ticket to paradise

Nature, God, and people. -Gede

What you do diminishes what you do. -David

I like to befriend my seatmates in case we crash so they are more inclined to pull me from the wreckage. – passenger

Excuse me. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours? -Georgia

Looks like someone upgraded. -passenger

They’re blue. Big deal. So are my socks. -David quotes from Ticket To Paradise

Just leave the bottle. -David

movie quotes from ticket to paradise

The last time David was helpful was the night we made Lilly. -Georgia

Did you make a pact not to murder each other until you murder me first? -Lilly quotes from Ticket To Paradise

You learned that to make me look bad. -David

You don’t need my help. – Georgia

Don’t blame yourself, Paul. It could happen to anyone that doesn’t know what they are doing. -David

He doesn’t know it but we are going to be having breakfast tomorrow. -Wren

I could see her being happy here, for a while. -David

Do you know anyone who snores less when they get older? -David

The hard stuff was always your thing. My thing was like taking out the garbage. -David

I think he knows. -Georgia

movie quotes from ticket to paradise

It’s like you always say, why save the good stuff for later? – Lilly

It’s the same thing that happens in any relationship. When it started out, it was unreal, and then it got real. -David

You came halfway around the world to have my back.

I need some lemon water and some bacon.

She listened to you, always. She still does. She never wanted to make me happy, the way she does you.

I am praying for an asteroid.

Being loved is not the same as loving.

Of course, your choices are your choices.

You weren’t the mistake.

It turns out, a parent will do everything for their kid except let them be exactly who they are.

I think this is my new favorite place on earth.

My dad thinks I deserve better than anyone.

I’m in the most beautiful place I’ve been in my life and all I can think about is you.

It felt like a long story if you were there.

movie quotes from ticket to paradise

I think we can all agree the world is a lot better place with Lilly in it.

You clean up pretty good.

Look at our girl.

We can’t be a family without you.

You can do the hard stuff too. – Georgia quotes from Ticket To Paradise

I belong here.

Your mother and I are on your side, the both of you.

Maybe I am too old to feel young anymore.

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