
You Can Drop In During A Marathon | Guest Post

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Here’s another fun story from the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend.

Jen, a Dopey runner, got out and participated in the DIY half marathon along with other runners at her resort. She also made an unscheduled stop at her favorite hotel in Hollywood Studios!

You Can Drop In During A Marathon

by Jen Spencer

In general, 2 friends and I (Beth and Kimberly) have been doing quite a few Disney races over the past few years (halfs and 10K/half challenges). Last year we decided to do Dopey to celebrate us all turning 35 this year.

We did the 5K mostly together, stopping for several pictures. The 10K was a bit more exciting as we stopped for some amazing pictures but ended up getting passed by the balloon ladies during the last picture stop and had to book it to make the time back up.

Run, ladies! The balloon ladies just passed you!

We were terrified!!!!

That evening we had dinner and were laying out our gear for the half and got the notification of the cancellation. At first, we were devastated. We headed down to the bar (with many others from the hotel) to commiserate.

After a drink and discussion that this may likely be our only chance at Dopey, we decided to do it on our own.  On Sat, we slept in and then headed outside.  We started outside, and then the rain and lightning started up and we finished inside on the treadmill.  the comradery at the hotel was amazing.  There were lots of others doing the same thing and each time someone finished we all cheered and took pictures.  Some were doing Goofy, some Dopey and some had just come for the half and wanted to get it done.  Overall, everyone was really positive and made the best of a bad situation.

The day of the full was really really cold, but being from Colorado, we were happy with the weather. I had wanted to ride Everest, but got to AK too early.

When I got to HS, there was a bit of a slow down in from of Tower of Terror, so I thought why not and asked a cast member. He immediately gave me a fast pass and told me to have fun.

Several people in line saw that I was running let me go ahead of them. I also had some great conversations with others while waiting in line. There was quite a long line inside before getting on the elevator, so I think it ended up being a good 20+ minutes until I got off the ride.


 But it was amazing and I’d do it again in a second.

Overall, all 3 of us finished the marathon and got our Dopey medals. We celebrated by having dinner and drinks at the California Grill before flying home yesterday.

Congrats, Jen! Thanks for telling your story- and love the Tower of Terror stop!

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One Comment

  1. Congrats, Jen, and I love how your rode TOT!!! We also had a run-in with the balloon ladies at the W&D 10k. Never in my life had I ever thought I’d be so fearful of mylar balloons! 😉

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