
Behind the Scenes | Captain America: Civil War Blu-Ray Release

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I’m just going to get this out there right off the bat: the Captain America: Civil War Blu-Ray is on sale today, and YES, you should BUY IT.

With that being said, I’ll expand on my why.

I make no secret about my burgeoning love of all things Marvel. Especially when it comes to Captain America.

It’s new love; I’ll admit, but I’m quickly growing to admire the complexities that make up the entire Marvel Universe, not just the movies. But I won’t lie: the movies are what finally brought me out of the “comic books are boring” mindset. Without the films, Marvel wouldn’t have a new fan or two… million. Amirite??

Captain America: Civil War was the highest grossing movie of 2016, and there’s a reason why: Captain America and his biceps.

Captain America helicopter scene

Okay, well, his shield is pretty cool too, but really, the real stars here are Left and Right biceps.


And I’ll give ol’ Iron Man a nod here too. This was the best look at what makes him tick, and I could see growth and development of the Tony Stark character that I was not expecting.

He even softened my heart for a bit and I *almost* could see his point, but then, you know… biceps.


And now you can own a copy?of this movie for your home viewing.


You might remember how much I loved this film in the theaters.

Now that I’ve viewed the Collectors Edition Blu-Ray, I can say I love it even more.

YES. It’s true!


You’ve got deleted scenes, extended scenes, and my favorite: the gag reel.

Does it get any better than Chris Evans laugh and that smile?

No, no it does not.

This is a squad I would love to roll with, y’all! But a small warning from Cap:

Talking kids and Instagram rules for Mom Monday. Do your kids have guidelines to using social media? Mine sure do. Appropriate language (Captain America) is one of them.

There are over 60 extra minutes included- that’s a huge bonus for Marvel lovers.


  • United We Stand, Divided We Fall ? The Making of Captain America: Civil War Part 1 & Part 2
  • Captain America: The Road to Civil War
  • Iron Man: The Road to Civil War
  • Gag Reel
  • Deleted & Extended Scenes
  • Audio Commentary
  • Open Your Mind: Marvel?s “Doctor Strange” – Exclusive Sneak Peek

Oh yeah- there’s a sneak peek for Doctor Strange as well. I’m looking forward to meeting this doc in the fall!

This Blu-Ray does not disappoint, y’all!

Go out, get your copy of Captain America: Civil War and choose your side.

But we all know, Team Cap is the only way to go.

captain america DL

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  1. I don’t have a Blu-Ray player yet. (I also still have an iPhone 5s!) I still have a combo VCR/DVD player that works fine, so I have not been able to see the purpose of upgrading the tech. I have been noticing that they no longer put any extras on the DVD releases, which is pretty much an unspoken push to buy the Blu-Ray. On the other hand, you can usually find everything online.

    I did like the movie, though!

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