Captain Obvious Is In The Running | #ObviousPresident

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Captain Obvious 2016. There. I said it.

You know, this presidential race has been so crazy, why not?

Wait, wait… a political post? Shenanigans, you’re the crazy one.

You betcha. But with a healthy dose of humor.

Let’s get to know the Obvious Presidential choice for 2016.

I think his platform is solid: he’s physically running through every state, so he knows exactly what makes each one special. And being a runner automatically boosts him in my books.

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For example:

Arizona. Famous for a big hole in the ground…which was there before it was called Arizona.

Well, yeah, you’re RIGHT, Captain Obvious!

If you want to know what your state is famous for, trust me, this is worth it, you can check it out here. See if you agree with what Captain Obvious has to say about it!


Every great runner needs a sponsor, and Captain Obvious is no different. is supporting Captain Obvious during this race because they know he’s simply what this country needs.

And that he’ll need a place to sleep at night. Obviously.

He’ll be making the rounds of rooms as he runs across this great country.

Like any good candidate, Captain Obvious knows that social media is key to a successful campaign. As he’s running across the country he’ll be live tweeting. In fact, he’s live tweeting the debate on February 25th, so go ahead and follow him now.

You don’t want to miss pure Twitter gold like

I’m just saying. Follow Captain Obvious and you won’t be disappointed!

captain obvious 2

This is all in good fun, Obviously. I hope you’ll check out the Captain’s page, though, and be sure to inform yourself on all the issues before you cast your vote in 2016.

And go ahead and show your support by Tweeting this to your followers today.

[Tweet “I’m following the #ObviousPresident @CaptainObvious Obviously.”]

Thanks,, for sponsoring this highly serious discussion.

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