Cash Me On The Couch, HowBowDah?

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For Mother’s Day: I’m gonna be right here on the couch.

All. Day. Long.


Everyone’s day probably looks different. Mine is going to be super lazy and boring and awesome just hanging out with the family & watching Parks and Rec.


I got home last night after spending two weeks with a variety of women who reminded me that we are all beautiful and wonderfully made, and oh so different!

There’s the mom who is celebrating her first Mother’s Day with a sweet squishy baby and the one who lost her own mother recently, finding out there isn’t always more time.

There’s the cancer warrior princess who is celebrating the end of treatments & more time watching her kids grow.

There are moms who are spending the day in the hospital with their children (I’ve done that- it was awful- duh) and there are women who spend the day trying to avoid the pain of still not *yet* being a mother.

Some moms are working to support their family. Some are traveling or preaching in church today.

Whatever your Mother’s Day looks like, I hope it’s perfect for you. I know mine is batting a thousand right now.

It started with cuddles and giggles with the girls in my bed. I got a head nod and “Happy Mother’s Day” from the teen (with a promise of a hug and “not even an eye-rolled one” later) and a brief hug from Seth.

I’ll take it.

This was followed by a trip to the couch where a breakfast was lovingly delivered with a side of kisses.

And a birthday crown- whatever, I’m a princess and it’s always my birthday, right?!

Seriously. After traveling and being away from them, hanging on the couch with the kids and just listening to their little voices all day is just what I want for Mother’s Day.

The only thing that would make this better is if my own momma was sitting beside me. But she’s in Texas, so I’ll have to rely on my sisters and brother to pass on those hugs and kisses and make sure she knows how much we love and adore her.

Because my momma is the best momma ever.

Hope you have a delightful day my friends! 

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