Clickable Cyber Monday Memes For 2023

Sharing is caring!

Driving past the shopping center on Black Friday made it clear: Cyber Monday is where it’s at. And these Cyber Monday memes for 2023 are here to get your internet fingers warmed up for the real hero of the holiday! It’s the one Monday a year that no one hates: let’s hear it for Cyber Monday memes!

cyber monday memes distracted boyfriend

Clickable Cyber Monday Memes For 2023

We’re big fans of celebrating all the real and made-up holidays around here- especially those involving shopping.

While Black Friday memes are great, we’re personally hanging on the couch waiting for the real deals: free shipping and cozy internet purchases from home.

Bring on the Cyber Monday memes!

cyber monday memes introverts
Let’s hear it for the introverts! I’d rather shop from home than fight the parking lot battles.
cyber monday memes. Merry Cyber Monday
cyber monday memes
cyber-monday-meme-treat yo self
ALWAYS. Treat yo self!
cyber monday memes amazon queen
Let’s just say we love the UPS and FedEx drivers around our house! The truest of Cyber Monday memes
cyber monday memes dumb and dumber
Our absolute favorite! Just don’t ring the doorbell and give us away- gotta drop and go so we can sneak it all inside!
cyber monday memes black friday
I’ll take the eye strain and tired shoulders; thank you!
kermit cyber monday memes
We wish! But we’ll make as big a dent in it as we can.
cyber monday memes hunger games
They aren’t always great, but we’ll take whatever savings we can get.
cyber monday memes mondays
dog cyber monday memes
We legit laughed out loud over this Cyber Monday meme. Hilarious!

More Memes You’ll Love

We love a good meme around here- and we tend to collect them all!

If you’re looking for one that’s not on the list, let us know and we’ll send you to the right place.

Memes, memes, and more memes are the way to our hearts!

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Sharing is caring!

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