Crossing Off and Updating The List

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goalOne of the fun things about blogging is “putting it out there” for the world to see.? I’ve done this with my weight loss goals– and it’s helping me know that someone might actually call me out if I don’t keep the loss coming!? Small update: it’s going very slowly right now.



I also wrote out my List.? You might remember it but if not, here’s the link.? My goal is to cross things off throughout the year, knocking it out by May 2015.? I’ve made some progress notably HERE and HERE.

Ready for an update?

28.? Flossing
Yes, I had to put this on the list.? And many of y’all laughed about my goal to do it twice a day.? My thought process: aim for 2, but settle for 1.? It’s working.? I got smart.? I bought a package of flossers and stuck the whole thing in my purse.? I fell into the habit of flossing in the car line for school.? That’s twice a day: dropping off and picking up the kids.? Made sense to me.

I know, not real cute, but at least I’m getting it done.? And the dentist is happy with me.? Whatever works, right?


30.? Clean my car more often
It’s happened twice since I wrote The List in early May.? That’s two times more than the previous 6 months.


I said it was gross.? Now, it’s not as gross.? But still a work in progress.

36.? Run a 5K without walking or intervals.

5K running
I’m visiting my sister in Northern California (List number 38!) this weekend.? It’s lovely here.? I absolutely love that “hot” up here is like 85.? Silly silly people.

I needed a long run of 6-8 miles this weekend and finally set out Sunday morning.? Since it was incredibly lovely outside, I made the snap decision to push past my 1 mile sustained run and go for the full 5K.

I mean, seriously.

5k running 3This Arizona girl couldn’t pass that up.

It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t easy, but I made it happen (with one potty stop, because, well, I ALWAYS have to make a potty stop!)? After the 5K I went on to finish 3 more miles with intervals (much easier, I might add!) and walked an additional 2 miles today. That weather.? I couldn’t waste it, right?

Do you have a List?? Are you working toward any goals you’d like to share?

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  1. Rock on with your bad self!!! I’m sure I’ve never run a full 5K with no breaks – I should make a list, it seems to get your things done!!

  2. Thats awesome!!! Great job!!!!! You’re inspiring me, I tell ya!

    No list. But I am working on shedding a few pounds and once my IT band feels better I want to follow in our footsteps and do 5K without intervals again. Its been awhile!

  3. My car makes me sad. It’s dirty, like, 5 seconds after I clean it! So I just never bother and it gets grosser and grosser and only gets cleaned when my husband can’t stand the filthy anymore. So twice since May? IMPRESSIVE. And nice job on the run too! xo

  4. Whoop! Whoop! Great job! 🙂 Your weather commentary is cracking me up. After two years in North Dakota, 75 feels hot to me! You’d think after 7 years in Louisiana, I’d know what hot is. 😉

    1. I was bored silly Julie. And I won’t give up intervals completely. Just nice to know I could do it once.

  5. Way to go girl on the 5k! That’s really awesome! Also, I have terrible teeth (inherited from my parents) so I have become a regular flosser. I never was, but now every day. My goal is to run a marathon in January!!

  6. A 5K without stops? Awesome! Way to go! Back before I was doing races, when gym workouts were only about weight loss, I worked my way up to doing 3 5K’s a week on the treadmill. On the streets, I’ve only been able to finish 1.5 miles (the turnaround point) at a local 5K. At that point, I had a mental freak out and realized exactly what I was attempting and stopped running when we turned around for the second half of the 5K race. Then, after a minute or two of walking, I finished out the second mile running. Once I crossed that 2 mile marker, it was all about survival for that last 1.1 miles. There were no scheduled intervals. I just found various points to try and run to. This race was and still is my 5K PR race. Maybe I need to make it a goal to run an entire 5K without stops again.

    1. It was a fun goal- nowhere near my very old PR (I assume that ones long gone!) but it was a hard one for me to reach. That last mile WAS all about survival for me too. Gah. Good luck if you attempt it someday!

  7. Great job on getting your miles in! I write things down on a daily basis, it’s more of a to do list really. Not really goals. I guess I should dream a little bigger than just getting the laundry done…

    1. No— that’s on my daily list! ha ha ha. If I dont write it down, it doesn’t happen. Seriously. I have to list things or I am a mess.

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