
Dear Orlando,

Sharing is caring!

This week, huh?

Crap. I mean. Just CRAP.

First Christina. Then Pulse. And now Walt Disney World.

As a former Orlando resident, I just want to tell you a few things.

Your city is indeed the City Beautiful. Your people are absolutely some of the kindest I’ve ever met. And I’m sorry this is happening

The time we spent as Orlando residents rank as my happiest as saddest moments, but ones I’ll always cherish.

We had a baby girl there. We fell in love with Mickey Mouse and Sea World and nearby beach trips. My husband literally built part of your community with his own hands during the construction boom.

We also lost a son there.

Mommas, I feel that sharp, biting, unrelenting pain you are going through. I know what it’s like.

And we gained friends we wouldn’t have met if not for that loss.

They reached out, they provided comfort, grace and peace at our lowest times. They took care of us. They fed us. They listened to us. They healed us, as much as they could.

And they provided overwhelming love.

After the tragedies in Orlando this week, I felt the need to say a few things. Mostly: I'm sorry. The community is rocked and needs love. All of us need love.
That’s what I remember most from our time in Orlando. The love.

I’m not sure why it’s all happening here. But I know there is love and I hope you find peace.


I’m sorry


I’m sorry for the pain your community is going through. I’m sorry for the hate and ugly and judgements heading your way. I’m sorry for the “what if” games that the rest of us on social media like to play. I’m sorry we’re all a bunch of armchair quarterbacks thinking our freakin’ opinions matter.

I know they don’t. And I know you don’t need any extra guilt to take with you?since you are carrying a huge load of your own right now.

I’m sorry I’m not there to grieve with you personally.

I’m sorry.

Sending love from Arizona,


Sharing is caring!

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