Disneyland Food Bucket List | Crossing Things Off
I’m a fan of going to Disneyland as often as possible. One reason being: snacks. I’ve got a Disneyland food bucket list that I’m slowly crossing things off.
It’s been delicious.
According to my Fitbit when I’m at Disneyland, I’m entitled to a little extra caloric love. Gotta love an obsession that gets the step count way up!
This weekend I took one of my favorite traveling partners up on an offer I couldn’t refuse and arrived at Disneyland ready for some songs, laughs, rides, snacks and a little Captain America fangirling.
She’s also a huge fan of eating all the things, especially at Disney. I honestly don’t know that I could ask for a better friend than Tania.
She likes Disney, snacks, Captain America, and boy bands.
Clearly, we are meant to be friends.
Since adventure is out there, we decided to make a point to try out some new things during this trip.
Our decisions were made like this: if we had a choice between a standby?favorite or trying something new, we decided to tackle the new. Since we left our combined nine children at home (#NoGuiltTravel y’all!), this was an easy process to stick with. No little voices chiming in with dissent on this trip!
Lunch was the first opportunity to try the system out. I was hungry and thirsty and ready to eat after my flight that morning, but honestly had no idea what I wanted.
We aimlessly walked around for a while (hey- indecision means extra steps which meant that I was just preparing for all the good food, right? Disney math. It works with calories as well as money, y’all.) until inspiration struck.
The Cove Bar
Home of the famous Lobster Nachos and secret drink menu.
Yes, please.
I was thrilled to discover that they quoted a 20-minute wait, which is pretty low for a Saturday afternoon. We had enough time to take a spin under the sea with Ariel before our text came through that the table was ready.
Our table was perfect. Right by the water and facing Mickey’s Fun Wheel.
Tania, who doesn’t drink, has some excellent options to choose from off the drink menu. If you are looking for some yummy non-alcoholic?drink choices at Disneyland, check her post out.
When the server suggested a few drinks off the secret menu, my view determined my order. The Fun Wheel drink was ordered.
The description was?as something from the Long Island Iced Tea family, so, um, yeah, I figured one would do it.
It’s layered with pineapple juice, Passion Fruit Vodka (pink vodka!), and finally?blue cura?ao. Take your pictures first, then mix this baby up to drink.
It was delightful and not nearly as strong as I feared. But yes, one was just enough.
I’ve heard stories of the lobster nachos. People have raved over these bad boys for years, and I finally had the chance to put them in mah belly. The lobster nachos were a given.
While I won’t rave all day over them, I will say they were worth the stop. I’ll be back to partake in lobster nacho goodness again.
We considered ordering an additional item to share, but when this huge plate piled high with chips, beans, lobster, and cheese, we knew it wouldn’t be needed.
The Mint Julep Bar
We were in Carsland, right by Flos, and discussing breakfast. My standard answer for breakfast at Disneyland is right there in front of me: the deliciousness of Flo’s French Toast Brioche. But since I hadn’t run 6 miles that morning, I figured it might be over doing things.
Sometimes the math just doesn’t lie. Le sigh. And I had not quite earned that decadent breakfast on this trip!
We decided to cross the Mint Julep and Beignets off Tania’s list. Over to the French Market in New Orleans Square we went.
I’ve been here before, but Tania had not. It’s a nice little corner bar over by the Disneyland Railroad in New Orleans Square, and you should add it to your Disneyland food bucket list.
This is the home of both the Mint Julep and the Mickey-shaped Beignets.
The Disney version of the Mint Julep is non-alcoholic. Being sold in Disneyland proper should be the tip off to that!
It’s minty and limey, and Tania said it was refreshing.
The beignets are donut-like pastries, deep fried and coated with powdered sugar. Yasss… if loving this is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
And yes, they are as good as you might think. In fact, during one of my Moms Panel applications I wrote a haiku to the Mickey Beignets. Wonder why I didn’t make it that year? LOL
Anywhoo, our “try something new trip” worked out wonderfully. We crossed some snacks off our list and experienced new tastes and textures. And made sure to take the long way around the parks to burn off those calories!
What’s on your Disney food bucket list? Anything you recommend adding to mine?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt Disney.com, No-Guilt Fangirl.com, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
Aw, thanks, friend! What a great weekend! Love you…and food 🙂