Disneyland Half Marathon Weekend Information: Course Maps and Official Event Guide

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I’ve been moaning about the hot weather training, but this morning all that is forgotten!

Disneyland Half Marathon weekend information including Course Maps are available now through the Official Event Guide.? I’ll share some highlights here for you:

DDD event Guide 14


The event guide is your resource for the weekend.? You can find it here.

Inside I found the answer to one of our burning questions:? will we be running through Angels Stadium despite the early game scheduled that day?? Looks like it!

Disneyland Half Course 2014

Here’s the 5K and 10K courses for you as well.? I ran the 10K last year and LOVED this course.? It’s flat and fast and FUN!

DDD 10K 14


DDD 5K 14

Spectator location suggestions:

Spectator DDD 14

Don’t forget to go back and check out the Bibs that are coming our way.? Disney does so much right- including the small touches!

Are you as excited as I am to run Disneyland?? It’s one of my favorite runDisney races!

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  1. After much speculation, we’re going to be running through Angel Stadium again during the half! So excited!

    1. sure looks that way! As a BOP I’m going to get on my horse and make sure they don’t shut it down before I get there though. LOL Yes- I’m a pessimist!

  2. Patty – Thank you so much for posting this information! I love your updates on the Disney races!

  3. There is a chance the game was picked up for TV so it could change the time of the game. Or you may just get to see some of the early bird players warming up if you a back of the packer! Some of the guys start showing up 4 hours before so right around 830 if the game is a 1235 start. Kind of a fun addition

    1. That would be great. I was concerned that for security purposes they wouldn’t let us on the field if there were players out.

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