Your Easter Bunny is My BEC
UPDATE for 2024: It’s March, which means the Easter season is just around the corner. I’m republishing this one to maybe (?) hopefully (?) head some of this nonsense off before it starts. See “St. Patrick’s Day Rant” below.
Originally published March 27, 2016.
BEC: a b!tch eating crackers. Someone who bothers you so much that just about everything they do annoys you. Even something as simple as eating a cracker can set you off.
I’ve been particularly stabby lately.
My friend just told me she needs a list of my BECs. I’ll admit: I seem to add a new one every day.
You probably aren’t on the list, because even though it’s kinda long, it’s also super random!
BEC resonates with me lately. It’s a quaint little phrase that my Baby Center friends back in the day schooled me on. You pronounce it like a shortened version of the name Becky.
Bec with a hard C.
From Urban Dictionary (and cleaned up a little- family blog here!)
Kim: Look at Erica over there reading that book, so annoying.
Jules: Dude, she’s just reading, you just think it’s annoying because she’s your BEC.
Kim: yea, but look at her flipping the pages and stuff.
Why then would your Easter Bunny be on my BEC list?
Because yours, according to social media and my kids, is way better than mine.
Or maybe he knows how I feel about him, so he hippity–hoppity-boppity-ed past my crib with all his cool shiz.
Yall’s bunnies brought some sweet swag. Epic swag.
Disney trips.
A pregnancy. (Okay, so this was really cute and a clever way to announce- YAY!- so no hate on this one).
But you get my drift, right?
It’s like Christmas: the Sequel.
I’m not hating, I promise. This is not born of jealousy. We typically have lovely and mellow Easters, and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.
My kids even stand willingly for a picture together every year. Well, mostly willingly.
All looking in the same direction and smiling? I WIN EASTER!
My bunny brought each kid a basket, some candy-filled plastic eggs, and a little gift card. Easy peasy, no muss no fuss. Just the way I like it.
While I’m totally cool with what was delivered to mi casa, I can’t help but wonder where the madness will end.
I’m not alone here, am I? You’ve seen it too, right?
I heard there were Leprechauns delivering baskets this year on St. Patrick’s Day. For the love of the Blarney Stone, what is that all about?
Do not make me add you to the BEC list, little green man.
Stick to turning the milk & various rivers green and we will get along just fine.
Parents, let’s just be chill from here on out.
There’s no need to make the 4th of July literal Christmas in July, right? RIGHT!
I’m not judging or trying to say anyone is doing anything wrong here, but I am saying that it’s making me uncomfortable with the expectations possibly being set.
Along the lines of “everyone’s a winner!” soccer seasons, I’m getting tired of “every Hallmark holiday equals a $200 celebration!”
I’m good with mellow; I’m good with having a little something for the kids, but I’m also really good with celebrating the Easter holiday as it should be: prayer, family, and Easter egg hunts in the grass!
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Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
Yeah, when I got the Easter “toy” flyer in the mail from Toys R Us (which included things like Nintendo DSs) that pretty much did it for me. My kids get a little bit of candy, and something small. I probably spent about $25 on all three of their Easter baskets. 🙂
I got Disney Jamberry wraps in my basket. You can’t hate on that!
You did see my Easter FB post, right?
“Moms – Do you feel inadequate about how your Easter turned out?
I used my fingers as bunny ears, hopped into my sons room, and handed him a bag of candy.
If you did more than that, then you totally won Easter.”
Yes, my child got some candy, a new pair of earbuds (because he goes through them rapidly) and new socks.
I’m with ya on this! My kids baskets were full but it was items I needed to get them anyway. Each got a swimsuit/trunks, PJs, one shirt and them some plastic eggs with candy. Nothing crazy or over the top. And I threw in the obligatory chocolate bunny of course. I like your gift card idea though. I might do that next year!
Are you familiar with the Facebook account “STFU Parents”? It skewers things like parental overshares and “mommyjacking” other people’s FB posts with facts about your own kids. At Christmas and Easter they collect “loot” pics and really list all the ridiculousness people go through with piles and piles of gifts. It’s pretty funny.
I have not heard about this one- I think I’d love it. Thanks for the tip!