
Easter Peeps Rice Krispy Snacks

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When it comes to cooking and crafting, I like to make things easy on myself. I won’t lie- that’s some no guilt mom truth right there. Here’s how you can make Easter Peeps Rice Krispy Snacks in just a few minutes to add to your kid’s Easter baskets!


Since it’s almost Easter, I was feeling my annual pull to be crafty and inspired.

Kids + Easter + Pinterest = Shenanigans trying to new things.

Claire is almost 12 and has access to Pinterest. And no, I don’t know what the age requirement is on Pinterest (and don’t care) because I’m a rebel like that.


She’s always sending me pins that all you wonderfully crafty mommas are putting out there with the adorable impression that her momma is just as wonderfully crafty.

I laugh a lot over that.

A. Lot.

When Claire was home with an earache on Tuesday, she came to me with this idea that she found on Pinterest (so, nope, this is not an original recipe or anything!) With her sweet puppy dog eyes full of hope she said, “Mom, I believe in you! We can DO this!

So I tried. And it mostly worked.

Easter Peeps Rice Krispy snacks: a fun way to treat your family & hide in an Easter basket this year!


Easy?Easter Peeps Rice Krispy Snacks

What you need to know is the bottom line. Were rice krispy?treats created with peeps just as wonderful as regular rice krispy?treats made with marshmallows?

Not mine. The ones I made needed a little more Peeps and butter.

Below is the slightly altered recipe that I used (with more butter and more Peeps) that I hope makes your creation a little more gooey and tasty like a proper rice krispy treat should.

Do you really need a recipe? I doubt it. If you’ve made rice krispy treats before here’s the spoiler alert: switch out Peeps for marshmallows. But in case you are like me and DO look at the box everytime you make them, I wrote this down for you.


Easter Peeps Rice Krispy Snacks Ingredients

6 cups rice krispy?cereal

3 packages of Peeps (12 Peeps each)

3/4 stick of butter or margarine


Easter Peeps Rice Krispy Snacks Directions

The steps are super easy.

Melt the butter.


Easter Peeps Rice Krispy snacks: a fun way to treat your family & hide in an Easter basket this year!


I only used a half stick of butter, which I don’t think was quite enough. So go ahead and take 3/4 of a stick (6 tablespoons) and split it three ways (2 tablespoons each for those who don’t like math).

Melt the first third in a sauce pan and add your peeps of choice.

I’ll admit we were both horrified and amused when it came to the melting of the Peeps.

Easter Peeps Rice Krispy snacks: a fun way to treat your family & hide in an Easter basket this year!


Use the full package. I was going easy on the poor Peeps and didn’t use nearly enough.

This resulted in less coloring than I expected, which was kinda the point of using them in the first place. It also wasn’t quite as sticky as I like my rice krispy snacks; so when in doubt, add more Peeps.

Once everything melts together, add 2 cups of krispy?rice cereal to the mix.


Easter Peeps Rice Krispy snacks: a fun way to treat your family & hide in an Easter basket this year!


Then layer into a clear glass pan. We had yellow, pink and purple in our pan (and clearly needed some more purple Peeps!).

Put in the fridge for about an hour and they should be set and ready to eat. It would be cute to put these in plastic baggies, tie up with adorable ribbon, and stash in Easter baskets this year.

That’s not what *we* did- we dug right in, because, hello, RICE KRISPY SNACKS.

Claire and I are big believers of instant gratification when it comes to our snacks.

After?all was said and one, while this wasn’t a huge success, it wasn’t quite the dreaded Pinterest Fail we all fear.


Easter Peeps Rice Krispy snacks: a fun way to treat your family & hide in an Easter basket this year!


I made some Pinteresty pictures (I did alright, I think?) and made my kid happy and had some fun on a day off from school with her. I’d say that’s a Pinterest WIN, wouldn’t you?

And no, I don’t think this breaks my “don’t go crazy on Easter rule.” Your Easter bunny may be my BEC but if you added some of these to a basket or two I won’t side eye you!

Happy Easter!

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