
Exclusive Thor: Ragnarok Interview With Kevin Feige, President of Marvel | #ThorRagnarokEvent

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This exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK?interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios, ranks pretty high on the cool meter for this MCU fangirl. I had a front row seat to ask him questions about THOR: RAGNAROK during the #ThorRagnarokEvent press trip hosted by Disney. Why yes, I was GEEKING. OUT.?


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios Photo: Allison Waken, allfortheboys.com


When I think about a list of “cool jobs that I’d love to have” being the President of Marvel Studios lands just a smidge below the hair and makeup artists that work on the Marvel films.

That’s right; below hair and makeup.

Hear me out: running your fingers through Chris Hemsworth’s or Chris Evan’s hair every day sounds pretty dang relaxing, doesn’t it?

Staring into their eyes to verify that everything is blended just so…


Ahem… okay, back to the President of Marvel Studios. Second choice, but still a good one if this blogger thing doesn’t work out- ha!

Kevin sat down with 25 bloggers as part of the THOR: RAGNAROK press event the day after the world premiere.

I actually “met” him briefly the night before this interview before the movie started. After a quick selfie that he was kind enough to stop for, we were off to screen the film (want to know what I thought? My review is here and my red carpet experience is here).

Spoiler: the movie is GREAT, y’all!


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Blurry selfie grabbed in the hallway of the El Capitan. That’s what you get when shaking with excitement! Christa Thompson, Tessa Smith, Kevin Feige, Joyce Dubois, and ME!


Exclusive Thor: Ragnarok Interview With Kevin Feige

After a long and loud round of applause, Kevin settled in and asked us if we liked the movie.

YES! It was unanimous.

And trust me, no one was saying that just to be kind. The movie is a ton of fun and there’s basically no way this won’t be a success.


The Year of Space Adventures

We quickly asked him how he felt about GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 and THOR: RAGNAROK coming out in the same year: the year of space adventures, so to speak!

Kevin Feige: “It?s pretty awesome and I love that little?Peter Parker in high school is in the middle of all that.

It’s pretty cool and it indicates what I?ve always wanted people to understand that just because something?s based on a comic doesn?t mean they?re all the same.

It doesn?t mean they all inhabit the same exact tone- you know, tonal world, and that these were our three movies this year. I always knew and was hoping it would be pretty exciting.”


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Marvel Studios Thor: Ragnarok..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)..Photo: Film Frame..?Marvel Studios 2017


AVENGERS: Infinity War

A question from the back of the room asked if the Guardians and Thor would meet- and if this would be a major set up or just a cameo appearance?

Kevin Feige:?“Yes, and it comes out in May of next year. INFINITY WAR is a pretty major meeting of those minds- Thor, in particular, with the Guardians. We?ve already shot some very fun scenes between them.

The cosmic adventurers spend a lot of time together in that movie.”


Side note: this is the movie that I simply cannot wait to see. BRING ME AVENGERS:?INFINITY WAR! I was at D23 Expo when the first teaser trailer dropped and GUYS!!! This movie is going to be epic.

I’m especially hyped after seeing Thor and how much fun he’s become.?

Put funny Thor in the same spaceship as hilarious Star-Lord and you guys can just pass me the Poise.?


About that Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

I took one for Team #TwitterWantsToKnow and asked him when the AVENGERS:?INFINITY WAR trailer would drop.

And without even the slightest pause, he answered me.

Kevin Feige:?“Someday. Someday! Yeah.”

Hey, I tried, y’all.

Until we get AVENGERS:?INFINITY WAR, check out THOR: RAGNAROK again.

Trust me; totally worth it!



The Look and Feel of THOR: RAGNAROK

As you can tell from the trailer, this film is completely different from any Marvel movie we’ve seen before, especially the previous Thor franchises.

Even the posters show just how much of a departure from THOR: DARK WORLD this one is going to be.

We asked Feige if this was Marvel’s idea to go in that direction or if this was all director Taika Waiti’s influence?


 Thor Ragnarok teaser poster. Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.


Kevin Feige:?“That was our idea perfected and improved by Taika. We wanted to, as we always do in our movies, go to a new place. Go to an unexpected place.

Look at what we did with Shane Black?s Iron Man 3, the third Captain American film, with Civil War.

We always look at a third film, Infinity War in the case of Avengers coming up, as an opportunity to take what the fans like, that they?re willing to go with us and take them to a totally unexpected fun place.”


The Hulk And Thor Bromance

Kevin Feige: “Also, Mr. Hemsworth used to say, ‘Hey, mate, Captain America has got Iron Man in his movie, has got Black Widow in his movie, who am I getting?’

I?d go, ha. I?d go, oh, I think he?s right. I think he?s right.

And the fun thing about Thor is he?s got amazing characters in his own comics, so Hela and Valkyrie from his books, from the mythology, we knew we wanted to bring in there.


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK
Hela (Cate Blanchett) in foreground
Ph: Film Frame
?Marvel Studios 2017


But thinking about who else we could bring in from the universe very quickly we, we realized Hulk would be that guy, that seeing Thor and Hulk battle it out together is great.

Seeing Banner and Thor being fish out of water is even better.

So, suddenly, you have this great dynamic between them, so we decided well, I guess Hulk when we last saw him on a Quinjet heading up into the atmosphere, he kept going.

And he got caught in a wormhole and he ended up on Sakaar.”


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo)..Ph: Film Frame..?Marvel Studios 2017


The “Behind This Door” Controversy

For all the bloggers out there wondering: yep. We went there.

I mean, we had to, right?

We’re sitting in the room with Kevin Feige and the Spider in the room needed to be addressed.

For those that don’t know what this is about, a few months ago another Marvel movie,?SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, came out.

There’s a line at the end of the movie spoken by Tony Stark that can be seen as disparaging toward bloggers if you chose to take it that way.

And many bloggers did.


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios Photo: Allison Waken, allfortheboys.com


So, Kevin, to borrow a line from your movie, we’re all “friends from work” here, can you comment on that line?

Kevin Feige:?“That was an ad lib- A comedic ad lib from Mr. Downey.

He just- one of the many things he just says. Moments before that, he says something about a human-dog hybrid and puppies and who knows what he?s talking about?

It?s just funny and when we shot it, it just sort of went past me. And we cut it together and only in the early screenings I went, oh I?m gonna hear about this.

And it was just him being funny.”

There was laughter from the room as he explained the moment to us. We could tell that this wasn’t planned to be a shot at bloggers; this was just a line they felt got laughs, and it should probably be taken in the spirit of something completely in character of Tony Stark.


All Female Movie

In this room full of women, our sole Dad blogger spoke up on our behalf.

He asked what we were all dying to know!

With all the amazing women characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will there ever be an all-female movie?

(Gasp- how. cool. would. that. be?!! More Tessa Thompson!)


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson)..Ph: Film Frame..?Marvel Studios 2017


Kevin Feige:?“I think we certainly have enough powerful characters to do that.

When and how, I don?t know, but I recently found myself in an undisclosed location. Somebody tapped on my shoulder and I turned around and there was Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson, Karen Gillan, Tessa Thompson, Pom Klementieff, all saying, ‘Hey, when are we going to do a movie?’

So that was pretty overwhelming. Zoe Saldana was also standing there.”


10 Years of Marvel

Feige and Marvel are workhorses.

They’ve been cranking out high-quality superhero movies for 10 years now.

We wondered how he balances all the films he has coming out, one after the other?


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.
Photo credit: D23 Expo


Kevin Feige:?”You hire Taika Waititi, you hire James Gunn, you hire Joe & Anthony Russo-? and I?ve got an incredible team at Marvel Studios.

Each film has a single embedded Executive Producer on it who sees it.

Brad Winterbaum on this movie, the Executive Producer on that poster over there, has lived with Taika for the past two and a half years.

He moved his family to Australia for months and months. They?re on it the whole time, so I?m always a text or a phone call away of knowing exactly what?s happening anywhere at any given time.

It?s a great privilege to have this team in place.

Most of us have been together for almost the entire ten years at the studio which is very unusual in Hollywood. It?s great.”




Movies to Watch Before Thor: Ragnarok Hits Theaters?


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THOR: RAGNAROK?opens in theaters everywhere?November 3rd!


Exclusive THOR: RAGNAROK Interview with Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios at the Thor: Ragnarok Event. Dishes on his favorite Avenger and future of The Hulk.


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