Elf On The Shelf Memes For Parents Who Just Can’t Even (2024)

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Yep. We’re that house. The ones that never had an elf, never considered it, and just… can’t even when it comes to this trend. We know it brings some families massive joy and makes the holiday season special, but we also know it’s just not for everyone. If that’s you, then here are the Elf on the shelf memes for the haters. Merry Christmas!

Elf On A Shelf- How It All Started

Ever wonder where the whole idea of Elf on the Shelf came from?

From CNBC:

The Elf on the Shelf tradition started back in 2005 when Carol Aebersold and her daughter Chanda Bell self-published the book “The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition” along with a special box with a small Scout Elf inside. In an interview with “The News with Shepard Smith,” Bell said the tradition is like a “simple game of hide and seek.”  

Super cute and innocent, no?

It definitely started that way. And then the Internet does what it does best: takes things way too far.

G-d Bless Al Gore’s Internet!

The next thing we knew, Elves were “acting badly” and causing all kinds of mischief in households across the world.

Parents stayed up late into the night to make sure their kids were asleep before their elves were moved to another location for adventure.

funny elf on the shelf memes aint nobody got time for that

I don’t know about you- but we ain’t got time for that!

So yeah, Elf on a Shelf hate is strong in this family.

And we know we’re not alone. If you secretly hate your trouble-causing little bugger, these Elf on the shelf memes are for you!

Funny Elf On The Shelf Memes For 2024

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Gen X truth bomb right here!
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Ugh. The woooorrrssst
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Sorry not sorry. Just can’t! elf on the shelf memes
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Like. A. Baby.
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I mean, I guess this is better? elf on the shelf memes
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How I howled at this! Rip knows what’s up. Funny elf on the shelf memes
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Where he belongs, BTW.
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elf on the shelf memes- think before you buy!
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Funny elf on the shelf memes

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