Funny March Memes To Get You Through This Weird Month

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March is a weird one, right? We get springlike weather on one day, a pop-up blizzard rolling through on the next. Plus it’s just long. The 31 days following that short February always make March feel super long around here! And we try not to remember March of 2020 when– well, you know. Alas, that is hopefully behind us! So we’ve got some funny March memes to get you through the Ides of March, random March snow storms, and basically just a weird month of the year.

march memes parks and rec

Why Is March So Weird?

My kids ask this every year, and every year I just shrug and say, “Who knows?

In like a lion, out like a lamb is pretty accurate for most years. But sometimes we get the random snowstorm to mix things up.

March snow is no bueno when you have Spring Break to look forward to!

march memes on your left

Along with Spring Break, there’s St. Patrick’s Day, March Madness, the Ides of March, Daylight Savings starts, and sometimes we even get Easter happening in March.

Like I said: its weird.

Anywhoo, here are some funny March memes to get you through the longest, weirdest month of the year!

Funny March Memes

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