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It’s not being called a meet-up, but if it looks like one, sounds like one, is set up like one, chances are it is one. But this runDisney “meet-up” is going to cost you.
Free is a thing of the past. In true Disney fashion, they realized they could make money- even more money- on an event that once cost them. $89 for this event. Um, that’s not cheap. A park ticket isn’t much more and you get a whole day of rides not just Soarin’.
I’m skeptical that this is “worth” it. Like my friend
April said, “And somewhere a little bit of magic just died…”
You know how much I loved the
meet-ups I was lucky enough to attend. Part of that was that the magic was provided
FREELY by the
runDisney organization. But maybe I need to withhold my judgement until the event is held. I’m sure there will be bloggers invited as guests that will be able to let us know.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Is this simply a natural progression or is runDisney stepping in the public relations poo with this move?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
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Maybe they did it because of the money making factor, maybe they didn’t. We may never know. Either way, I think it was getting more and more difficult for them to keep everyone happy and not complaining about the process.
As for me, I never even tried getting in because it was always a scheduling issue for me. What I mean is, let’s say I want to TRY to get in. Well that means I have to fly into Disneyland or WDW area 1 day earlier on the off chance I get in. And what if I don’t get in? Now I’ve just wasted a day – spent more money on a flight and another hotel room night.
I’m disappointed…but, sadly, not surprised. I’m a total runDisney fanatic, and I understand that the racing experience they offer comes with a hefty price tag — and, normally, I think it’s well worth it. But when they do something like this ON TOP of the insane race fees and all of the other costs they know runners incur to participate in their events, it really reminds you that it’s still, at the end of the day, all about money. I was lucky enough to make it into one meet-up in DL, and I had the time of my life…I won’t pay for this, and there’s no way I’m spending an extra night in a hotel room to make it.
I just read this on the 2princessesontherun blog, in their recap of Tink:
“We arrived about 30 minutes before the Expo was scheduled to open and seemed to be in the right place at the right time. A runDisney employee asked if we were there to shop the Official Merchandise which, of course, we were. She then proceeded to take us to a holding area with about 30 other shoppers and the next thing we knew, we were being let in to the Expo before it officially opened! I have no idea why or how this happened, but we were able to shop the Official Merchandise with no crowds or lines and everything fully stocked. We were in and out of that area with everything we wanted in less than 20 minutes. I call that pixie dust!”
I wonder if it’s related? Maybe they were testing to see how popular that type of opportunity would be?
I had a similar experience at Tink, I think after Dumbo and DL, they knew they had to handle the crowd so much better.
I’m sad to see that they might start charging although I’m not surprised. Disney tends to charge for pretty much everything. I’ve never been to a meet up and was hoping to get into one this year, but with price tacked on to everything else we pay I don’t think I’ll be able to swing it. Plus, as a passholder I can’t justify paying almost as much as the ticket price to get into the parks. Perhaps they will offer discounted rates for passholders to make it appeal to us. I thought it was cool that the meetups were free and it made me excited to try to get into one. Hopefully they don’t decide to charge.
I’m sad to see that they might start charging although I’m not surprised. Disney tends to charge for pretty much everything. I’ve never been to a meet up and was hoping to get into one this year, but with price tacked on to everything else we pay I don’t think I’ll be able to swing it. Plus, as a passholder I can’t justify paying almost as much as the ticket price to get into the parks. Perhaps they will offer discounted rates for passholders to make it appeal to us. I thought it was cool that the meetups were free and it made me excited to try to get into one. Hopefully they don’t decide to charge.
The fact that they didn’t charge for meetups is the only real surprising thing. I was pretty amazed to find out that they were actually doing them for free. Social media at work…I’m telling you…they see all the people posting about every aspect of these races and they’re ker-chinging the cash registers all the way home. Why do something for free when you can charge for it?
Curious that this event is at 5:30-7AM, the expo doesn’t open till 2pm that day, why so early? What am I missing?
$89?? Wow, yeah, that wouldn’t be worth it for me. I *might* pay … oh, $30 to $40 just to experience it once and be able to shop stress free, but certainly not $89.
Not surprised. Saddened, but not surprised.
Once again, “Magic” comes with a price… I guess once again we’re reminded that Disney and runDisney is a for profit company. They’ve seen the demand for the meetups, and now they can profit on it too.
Others may sign up for this, but I will never pay to be a part of a meet-up. Plus, it doesn’t even look like you get much for the cost anyway! Just ridiculous.
I feel this is an airline… rD has decided to nickel and dime everyone when they get a chance. What’s next, will I have to pay to use the bathroom at the expos (oh, I shouldn’t give them any ideas). $89 + whatever the merchandise price tag is.
I haven’t really stalked and tried real hard to get into the meetups (although I did pay close attention and make a small attempt at Dumbo’s meetup). I would have loved to go run through closed parks with everyone and have chances to win the cool runDisney stuff, but looks like they’re not doing the run anymore. I have a feeling Walt is rolling in his grave.
And with Runners World now hosting the event, I am sure that Disney is being sponsored fully for the event, and the fee is to reduce the volume of runners wanting to attend.
Honestly, I don’t like it. runDisney seems to be going the way of the RnR series – all money, no focus on the runner. And how many people are going to pay the $89 just for the early entry into the expo, thus making buying merchandise even harder?
Even with that, I would have considered it, but it would mean *another* night in a hotel. Can’t do it. Guess all the lucky (money-laden) kids will get all the cool stuff. I LOVE Disney races…only one in all the world compares, but I am quickly becoming turned off by the money machine they’re becoming. I can’t be alone, either. It’s going to explode at some point, I think.
If I can get into the Expo an hour early just to buy shoes…it will be worth it! At Tinker Bell I signed up, then waited 4 hours for a time to buy a pair of New Balance Cinderella shoes for my Daughter. That’s Crazy!!!
I couldn’t believe this when I saw it, and hardly think paying $89 would be worth it … and my incredulity went through the roof when I saw it sold out before the Disneyland Half did! That being said, I attended the meetup for the 2013 Wine & Dine Half Marathon — what was very likely the last free runDisney meetup ever — and parts of that event left a lot to be desired, and the clique-y ness of it was almost intolerable. So, as ridiculous as paid meetups are, I think it might be better that they’re moving in this direction.