When You Give a Mom a Monday

Sharing is caring!

An ode to returning from a weekend trip.

When you give a Mom a Monday following a trip to a conference,

She wants to blog.

She’ll probably? wake up early with a head full of plans which means she needs her laptop.

Decal Girl 3

So she starts to go downstairs.

At the stairs she sees her suitcase and decides to unpack.


When she unpacks she finds a stash of Mouse Ears


which reminds her that she needs to train for her Avengers Half Marathon with runDisney.

Running reminds her that her mailbox is probably full so she grabs a bag to grab the mail.


Opening all the boxes of Jamberry Nail Wraps and her new iPhone reminds her that it’s time to wake the children. (iPhone=Alarm, Jams=daughters? It makes momsense, I swear!)

Helping the kids get dressed reminds her there’s laundry to do.

Washing laundry reminds her that the Vader Van is also dirty and must be cleaned.?? Food wrappers everywhere since she was gone and fun Dad was in charge.



The clean car reminds her to eat breakfast since she threw away all the old food wrappers (Really, ewwwww).

So she makes toast.

While she’s waiting for it to cook, she empties the dishwasher and hears the washing machine chime.

She runs upstairs and changes the load.

And smells the toast burning.


So she runs downstairs to eat.

As she eats her food, she sees her laptop.

And chances are, if she sees her laptop, she will start making plans from the notes she took at the conference.

And blog about it.

TypeA 2014

Thanks for the amazing weekend #TypeACon.? See you next October in Atlanta!


Sharing is caring!

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  1. I just got home about 5 hours ago and my bags are still packed by the door. I hope I am as productive as you were when I wake up tomorrow!

      1. Not even close…luckily my hubby was out of town for three days. I was my most productive today!! Right before he came home… 🙂

    1. Thanks Kelby! That skin is to die for, right? From Decal Girl (and yes, it’s for an upcoming review!) I love your conference and can’t wait to see you back in Atlanta.

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