Before She Goes To Kindergarten | Mom Monday
Excuse me while I weep a little.
Mah Bahhhhbeeee graduates from preschool on Wednesday.
My LAST baby, y’all. I almost can’t deal with it.
I’m not normally melodramatic about things like this, heck, I think I celebrated with mimosas when my oldest went to kindy back in the day. I was ecstatic, to be honest.
So It’s a weird place I’ve found myself in: I’ve become one of “those moms” who watches her last child reach milestones with a sappy tear in their eye.
And right now she’s doing all kinds of amazing things, and I’m torn behind celebrating her success and wanting to hold her back and desperately keep her where she is.
Because right now, she’s awesome.
Since she’s my last, I’ll admit that we have all babied her way more than the other kids. Way, way, waaaay more.
She CAN do a lot of things, but she knows she doesn’t HAVE to because a brother or sister or mom or dad will step in and save her at the slightest sign of distress.
This is a pretty great gig for #OhLucy, but not so much for her teachers in the fall. We’ve got some work to do this summer to make sure there’s an easy transition for everyone next August.
I’m not a teacher, but I have raised three other children who killed the kindergarten game.
Oh, and I stayed at a Holliday Inn last night (ba dum bum)!
This list comes from my mom’ing experiences and from talking to her wonderful preschool teacher about her unique needs. You might find some that could help you prepare your next preschool graduate for Kinder.
Before She Goes to Kindergarten
#OhLucy will be:
Writing her name.
I have some small concerns about dyslexia since we have experience with it in my family, but this could all be in my head. I have NO idea if that’s something one can tell at this age or if she’s “just 4” and all kids learn at different levels.
She tries, but, we have some room to work here. Her Cs look like Us half the time, but we’re getting there!
Tying her shoes. This is more for our sanity and then anything else. And again for the teacher. I can’t imagine a classroom with 20 little people all needing help at the same time tying a shoe.
Pumping herself on the swings. Hey, girl, you?want to play? You need to be able to do so with some independence.
Recognizing her letters and numbers.?When her assessment came home in March from preschool, I knew we had a problem. My girl can sing the ABCs and is happy to count #allthethings she can find, but she can’t recognize the letters or numbers on paper.
Holla to my besties, the Letter Factory videos. (Affiliate link).
If you’ve never watched these videos, but have a preschooler or child struggling with letters and numbers, be sure to check them out. They are wonderfully fun education videos that my whole family enjoys. Really. We all sing-along; I dare you not to.
We’ve also set up an ABC list in the hallway and will ask her to bring us a particular letter a couple of times a day. My mom came up with this gem, and it’s been working pretty well for us.
Her phone number. Well, mine, anyway. She’s not getting a phone.
Er… I don’t think.
DON’T JUDGE ME. She’s Mah Bahhhhbeeee,?remember?
No, really, she’s not getting one. But I want her to be able to call me from someone else’s phone if the need should arrive.
Open all her lunch containers including her juice box and her?milk box.?Teachers, I got your backs.
Swimming independently.?She won’t do any swimming at school, but this is somewhat of a safety issue in my eyes. You never know when I child might be exposed to water (thinking field trips maybe).
Summer swim lessons are on the calendar.
Scissor skills. I’m not an arts and craftsy kinda mom, but this summer we are breaking out the scissors and glue sticks. Mind blowing shape cutting skills will happen. Be prepared to be amazed.
Count to 30. She gets to 17ish and then wanders off. Half way there? I’ll take it! But I know we can do better.
That’s a pretty decent list to work on over the next three months. Yes, that’s right, summer is basically HERE already, and my countdown is on. I’m determined to have her kindergarten ready, so there’re no butterflies in her (or my!) stomach come August.
The great news?
I’m not concerned about her social abilities AT ALL. My girl has that down. We were at a water park this weekend where she sweetly asked me if she could make friends.
And she did- without hesitation or shyness.
“Hi my name is Lucy, do you want to play?”
Kindergarten, we’re coming for ya!
(whispers) Hold me…?
Teacher friends, what else do you like to see in a new Kindergarten student? I’ll take all the tips I can get!
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
I’m right there with you Mama! My only child starts kindergarten in the fall, I go Wednesday for my enrollment meeting. I think I cried myself to sleep the night they announced the district was switching to all day, everyday kindergarten this coming year! I’m a WAHM so we get to spend all of our days together currently. We will get through it though! (At least that’s what I keep telling myself ;)) Oh and we love all of the Leap Frog shows, thanks Netflix, I think the phonics one is our favorite!
Yes- she’s been my little companion this whole time. I’m going to really feel her loss, but she’s so excited about going! We’ll be in this one together, lady!
Awww!! I remember those days!! Getting ready for Kindergarten is so fun! I used to pack my son a full lunch for him to have (for dinner after I picked him up), so that we would know how to open everything!
I’m sure she will learn how to do her letter better, that is what Kindergarten is for! My son is in 1st grade now, and his “h” and “n” still looks similar sometimes, but he is working on it.
One of my sons teachers used to say perfect is boring! What a good idea about packing the “lunch” for dinner for practice. I’m going to try that one too.
You know what helps with writing? And this is totally not directed at her specifically, it’s just a factoid I recently got from a conversation with a child occupational therapist that was interesting.
Writing with a golf pencil.
Apparently since there is less surface area to grip it forces the kids to hold the pencil correctly.
It was kind of just an ah-ha moment for me because it made so much sense.
Have fun getting ready for kinder!
Interesting- we will try it! Thanks for the tip.