Gone For A Run | Sole Sister 7 Mile Virtual Run Recap

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As a Gone For A Run Ambassador, I was given free entry to this virtual event in exchange for an honest recap.?

This weekend I had my best run in a very long time. ?I think it had everything to do with the reason for my run: my Sole Sisters!

I ran 7 miles in honor of some of my best runner friends. ?DisBroads, you were on my mind and in my heart. ?And I love you forever.

I’m mid-run for my #solesister7 w/@gonforaruncom and wanted to give a shout out to my @disbroads! You inspire me, you make me laugh, you keep me in check (kinda) and you are the best friends I could ask for. This run is for you! Gone For a RUN

Posted by My No-Guilt Life on Saturday, August 29, 2015

I took a moment mid-run to let them know how I feel.

Everybody say awwwwww.

I loved putting a meaning behind this run. ?It made the miles go by so much faster than last week.

Literally. I shaved :45 per mile off last weeks pace.

Not only was the pace a beautiful thing, so was my mental state.

Kids are back in school and while I rejoice and revel in the days, I dread the nights. Homework, soccer, baseball, flute lessons… Oh my!

All the activities are coming together in the next two weeks and I’m already stressing a bit on how to be in 3 places at once. ?It will work out, it always does, but yo… 4 kids is a lot.

I found myself letting those stressors go on my run. It was a great reminder of why I keep doing this sport.

It was a peaceful morning full of thoughts that were NOT stressful. ?I remembered moments together with my Sole Sisters and all the fun we’ve had together since we met. ? And, well, Disney. ?That always brings a smile.

At the end of it all, I was ready for my bling & shirt. I wore them proudly all day in honor oh my besties. ?I may or may not have taken a nap in my medal. Oops!

Do you have Sole Sisters you adore? ?Who keeps you motivated to put in the miles??

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