Goofy Giveback: the Details

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For a limited time runDisney is offering a second chance to run the Walt Disney World Marathon or Walt Disney World Half Marathon through the Goofy Giveback.


What does this mean?

Since runDisney didn’t sell out their Goofy spots they decided to break up the Goofy bibs.

If you missed out on the opportunity to run the Full this year:? Now you can.

If you missed out on the opportunity to run the Half this year:? Now you can.

And of course, they still have some Goofy slots for those interested.

What does this mean to ME?

Goofy 4

It means I might just defer Goofy and register to run only the Full.

Do I think I can do Goofy?? Yes.

Do I know I can?? Yes.

Will I be miserable afterward and at Star Wars?? YES.? OMG…. YES a million times YES.

And this, my friends, is what is really making me sour on Goofy.

I want to run and frolic and enjoy Star Wars.? I’ll be attending with the whole family which means mom plus runner duties.

I fear all the miles at Goofy will really harsh my mellow when it comes to doing it all again the next week.

Oh and yeah, I want to go to the Happiest Place on Earth and ride rides and enjoy the parks!

Disneyland Castle

I’ve said from the start: Star Wars > Goofy.

This might be the sign from the runDisney gods I needed.

What about you?? Are you looking at this second chance and thinking it’s time to run that first Half or first Full?


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  1. I think it’s a great call, Patty. It’s your FIRST full, after all, and I think you’ll be very happy not having been up at 2:30 am two morning in a row. I’m doing Star Wars, too, and there’s no way I’d want to do Goofy and then turn around and do another half the next weekend. You’ll know the right decision, but I like the way you’re thinking!!

  2. It seems like a good plan. If you think doing Goofy will cloud the fun of Star Wars, go with this new plan. If I could run I would’ve jumped at Star Wars. I can’t wait just to see the medals and bibs for those races.

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