Hello Wisconsin! Quotes From That 90s Show

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You know the song, you know the kids, and you definitely know the basement. And the kids are (still) alright. Here are some of the best quotes from That 90s Show that prove that Red and Kitty, once again, get the best lines!

quotes from that 90s show

About That ’90s Show

It’s 1995 and Leia Forman is desperate for some adventure in her life or at least a best friend who isn’t her dad.

When she arrives in Point Place to visit her grandparents, Red and Kitty, Leia finds what she’s looking for right next door when she meets the dynamic and rebellious Gwen.

With the help of Gwen’s friends, including her lovable brother Nate, his smart, laser-focused girlfriend Nikki, the sarcastic and insightful Ozzie, and the charming Jay, Leia realizes adventure could happen there just like it did for her parents all those years ago.

Excited to reinvent herself, she convinces her parents to let her stay for the summer.

With a basement full of teens again, Kitty is happy the Forman house is now a home for a new generation and Red is, well…Red.

Watch the That ’90s Show trailer here.

Read the That 90s Show parents guide here.

quotes from that 90s show

Quotes From That 90s Show

You smell good. -Red Foreman quotes from That 90s Show
That was the Hellmans. -Kitty

Mom, you’re motorboating me. -Eric

I hear you have your mom’s jump shot and your dad’s last name. -Red

Our Litte Mermaid got her period. -Eric

Don’t worry honey, I got it. – Donna

quotes from that 90s show

This country’s going to lose the next war. -Red

I don’t need you to see your dad get any nerdier. -Donna quotes from That 90s Show

I’m giving her space. Camp. Space Camp. -Eric

When you stand behind your kids…- Red
It’s easier to put your foot in their @ss. We know, we know… – Family

I bet they boned in here all the time. – Gwen

Good. Popular people suck. -Gwen quotes from That 90s Show

D@mnit Gwen. -Nate

quotes from that 90s show

This whiney vagina music is bumming me out. – Nate

As Master Yoda said… as MASTER YODA said, there is no try. Do or do not. -Eric

Payback’s a b!tch.- Red

You’re making a face- but that would have worked on me. – Ozzie

Jay’s had my back for the past 12 years. You’ve had my front for the past 6 months. I can’t choose. -Nate

Let’s tap that keg and get stupid! – Gwen

Enjoying yourselves kids? You’re upstairs people now. -Red

quotes from that 90s show

Oh sweetie. It ends when you die. -Kitty quotes from That 90s Show

This is my kind of fireworks. -Red

I’ve studied Star Wars my entire life and in the end I turned into my evil father. -Eric

If anyone deserves some amazing-its you. -Eric quotes from That 90s Show

Nobody likes an @sskisser. -Red

She said Mom. I win. -Kitty

Don’t feed them Kitty- that’s how it started the first time. – Red

quotes from that 90s show
That Ô90s Show. (L to R) Mace Coronel as Jay, Callie Haverda as Leia Forman, Ashley Aufderheide as Gwen Runck, Reyn Doi as Ozzie, Maxwell Acee Donovan as Nate, Sam Morelos as Nikki in episode 101 of That Ô90s Show. Cr. Patrick Wymore/Netflix © 2022

When you hit the water at the right angle it’s like doing it with the lake. -Kelso

Hey girl. -Kelso quotes from That 90s Show

FYI we’re registered at Bloomingdales and I will judge! -Jackie quotes from That 90s Show

Son of a b!tch. -Red

Lights on, shirts on, and no dancing. -Red

But seriously- what is it? -Leia

quotes from that 90s show

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