How Much Do I Love @runDisney
Let me Tweet the ways! I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again:
Last night was the Tower of Terror 10-Miler. And I was glued to the Twitter feed since Friday “watching” the race from my house. runDisney kept up an amazingly fun stream of banter, wackyness, and encouragement for everyone brave enough to enter… the Twilight Zone.*cue the music*
They were “punny.”
This morning the #HappyHaunted5K was “Incredible” & now just a few short hours until the #Tower10Miler!
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
@WendyMcVey1 That’s ok. We’re not even sure what time zone The Twilight Zone? is in! Good luck and have a great race.
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
@krissymmurphy Have a haunting good time when you drop in The Hollywood Tower Hotel. Call #1313 for room service.
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
@Fribblenik Well, I’ve been around Maleficent a lot and I know she would not let that happen. Safety is the #1 concern, so you will be great
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
We’d love to RT some selfies for the Disney motor coaches! Send us some!
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
My own bus to #Tower10Miler? I must be running late! Don?t worry, @runDisney, I?ll still be dropping in!
? Todd Palino ? (@bonkoif) October 6, 2013
I got in on the act, with a couple other friends with #sadfaceselfies who couldn’t make the race.
@brandi1369 @runDisney here’s my “I’m running but this ain’t Disney #Tower10Miler ” #uglycry selfie
? Patty (@longhorns2) October 5, 2013
@MandersD22 I think the spirits at The Hollywood Tower Hotel are having a party. But I can’t confirm that. #Tower10Miler
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 6, 2013
He’s all smiles now… #Tower10Miler
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
“The only time you see the obstacles is when you you take your eyes off the goal.” #Tower10Miler
? runDisney (@runDisney) October 5, 2013
I want to give a huge shout out to @runDisney ‘s tweeters this week. You guys have been phenomenal!!! #YouRock #Tower10Miler
? Mary Jo Collins (@MoJoDisney) October 6, 2013
I enjoy all that @runDisney tweets today! Well done everyone! Been reading @runDisney tweets all day #Tower10Miler seems like a lot of fun..adding this to the bucket list
? rodzilla (@rodzilla9) October 6, 2013
@CPherson3 @runDisney I thought the same thing after seeing everyone’s tweets!!! I wanna be there!
? Bethany Starr (@bstarr17) October 5, 2013
I am loving the tweets @runDisney #NeedsARaise Too fun this morning. #Tower10Miler #hauntedtrails5k
? DisBroads (@DisBroads) October 5, 2013
Congrats to all the runners this weekend! You were amazing! What about you? Did you get inspired last night watching all the costumes, racing, and excitement unfold online? Will you be… checking in… next fall?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
Agreed! It was so much fun to watch the interactions on Twitter – made me feel like I was there. Or well, almost there. And I’ll be partying it up in 33 days with you down there so I’m definitely looking forward to that! (Wow, is it really only 33 days – this year is FLYING!)
Doh- it’s actually 32 days! Aaaggghhhhhh!!! lol Going to update the blog info, but no, you aren’r crazy! It’s flying by, isn’t it?
I agree! runDisney’s tweets were infectious last night! The power of Twitter…why do you think the #DisBroads are running #WineDineHalf? 🙂
Exactly. I am your pawn Twitter… you can talk me into anything in 140 characters or less apparently.
Some of the costumes were pretty impressive. I’m going to have to step up my game for WDW and Tink! I like your “I’m not there” pic. That could start a whole new Twitter trend.
Jennifer I was afraid it would start trending. lol That would have been depressing. But I don’t have *quite* that kind of following yet. ha ha ha. The costumes were phenomenal! I agree- I need to get to working on mine. I hadn’t thought about lights- but I want to GLOW and SHINE at Wine & Dine.
I’m right there with ya sister! Watching my bib run the race without me lol!
I’m sure it had a lovely time Gayle. See you at Tink!
runDinsey did a great job with this race! I hadn’t really given it a second thought in the past, but now I definitely want to run it!!