Incredible Virtual Field Trips To Take With Your Kids This Summer
Travel this summer is, ah, going to be limited to put it mildly. At least that seems to be the way the winds are blowing. Good thing you have options. Here’s a list of incredible virtual field trips that you can take with your kids this summer. It might not be the exactly same- I mean, it’s not- but think of all the pre-planning you can do for the next trip you get to take!
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Summer Virtual Vacations
A reminder to the parents: May is usually the WORST when it comes to scheduling.
(Except for all the It’s Gonna Be May memes and May the 4th memes, of course.)
Remember how all the field trips, all the permission slips, all the sports tournaments, and all the Scout banquets are packing into a super tight May schedule?
Ugh. I have anxiety every year over this.
But this year?
Everything is so different (you can say that again!) and we’re embracing this slower-paced life.
Sure, our travel plans were put on hold. And that’s a bummer.
But we’re making up with going to the usual places (like the beach and local museums and Disney) by branching out to virtual field trips and vacations.
If you’re looking for ways to travel the world safely, consider this list of virtual field trips as your guide.
No permission slips necessary!
Best Virtual Field Trips To Take With The Kids
1. The San Diego Zoo Live Animal Cams
You gotta get your kids to the San Diego Zoo— someday. But until that can happen, check out their extensive list of videos and live animal cams on the website.
The San Diego Zoo makes a great virtual field trip for kids of all ages.
2. Virtual Field Trip To the Monterey Bay Aquarium
If your kids are more into sea life, you cannot miss checking the live cams at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
It’s one of the most incredible homes of sea life out there- and you can enjoy it all from home with these videos.
Check out the jellies- my fave!
3. Virtual Vacation to Disneyland or Walt Disney World
Since you’re in California already, why not take a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth?
You can run through Disney with these virtual vacation videos featuring both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
My favorite? Taking a Disney virtual field trip to the Magic Kingdom.
You can also check out these other fun ways to experience Disney at home and don’t forget to check your pantry for these Disney recipe ideas!
4. The Anne Frank House
There’s a virtual tour of the Anne Frank House that is pretty impressive!
If your kids have reached this level in school and know her story, they’d get an additional level of understanding by taking this virtual field trip to the Anne Frank House.
5. National Museum of Natural History | The Smithsonian
You really need to put Washington, DC on your actual, real-life travel bucket list.
The Smithsonian museums are all free and each and everyone is incredible.
Check off a science-related virtual field trip with this website. There are tons of video series and live videos being posted weekly.
6. Census Bureau 2020 Virtual Field Trip
While you’re in DC, go ahead and take a moment to teach your kids about the 2020 Census.
It’s happening now and it’s an important part of our government experience.
There’s a teachers guide PDF you can download as well a video teaching kids about the important work of the Census Bureau.
7. The Great Lakes Virtual Vacation
I’ve only been to the Great Lakes of Michigan once, but it was absolutely incredible.
So I’m adding this to your virtual vacation list!
Check out the Great Lakes Now videos that will give you a quick introduction to the ecosystem.
No matter where you decide to visit on your virtual field trips, you know you’ll have a great time together as a family.
Enjoy this time together as best you can because, hopefully, next May will be a whole other level of crazy!
I can’t wait to plan the real vacations and field trips, but until then, we’ll make do with these virtual options.
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.