Meet the Incredibles 2 Siblings Sarah Vowell & Huck Milner | #Incredibles2Event
Ah, family! In the Incredibles 2, parents everywhere saw their own kids portrayed in the Violet/Dash relationship. If you aren’t a parent, let me just say: the performances were absolutely on point when it came to sibling relations. Sitting down with the Incredibles siblings Sarah Vowell and Huck Milner at the Incredibles 2 press event showed this relationship spilled off-screen as well!?

Thanks, Disney and Pixar, for sending me to LA to cover the Incredibles 2 Event!
During the epic Incredibles 2 event, we interviewed almost the entire cast from the Incredibles 2. Holly Hunter?& Craig T. Nelson (Elastigirl/Mr. Incredible) were funny & kind. Samuel L. Jackson’s (Frozone/Lucius Best)interview was a load of laughs and a little shade. Check those out, too!
I looked forward to this one with Sarah Vowell (Violet) and Huck Milner (Dash) for a few reasons.
My fun facts & questions about the Incredibles 2 siblings going into this interview:
- Sarah was not an actress! Brad Bird picked her voice out from the radio and cast her as Violet 14 years ago.
- Huck Milner was the only actor from the Parr family who was new in the Incredibles 2.
- Sarah is over 40; Huck is 10. How did they actually get along?
- Both are relatively new actors: this is Huck’s first big film and Sarah’s 2nd! How did that feel working with this experienced cast?

Page Contents
Interview The Incredibles 2 Siblings Sarah Vowell & Huck Milner
I didn’t know what to expect from them because we’d already learned that most of the scenes for the Incredibles 2 were recorded with Brad Bird as the only other actor in the room.
Knowing this, I didn’t think Sarah and Huck actually worked together much, so they possibly wouldn’t have that rapport they showed on screen. Like this scene where Violet goes all annoying big sister on Dash- something I know I’ve seen play out in my own house many, many, MANY times.
Yeah, I was wrong. It didn’t take too long for Huck to start busting on Sarah about letting US ask the questions. It was hilarious.
Huck Has the One-Liners Down
At just 10-years-old this kiddo has mastered the art of keeping the interview on track by answering the questions with short and sweet responses. We started off just trying to get him to feel at ease with some pretty simple questions.

Who’s your favorite superhero?
Huck Milner: “Dash, probably. Maybe the Flash.” Clearly he likes people who are fast!
What have you done since arriving in LA? Anything fun?
Huck Milner: “Interviews.”
And the way he said it, with a little smirk, was clear that he didn’t quite think these were “fun.”
But being 10 in this industry comes with those challenges, and as a mom of a newly minted 11-year-old boy, I knew where he was coming from. The moms in the room got it; totally relatable, kiddo!
On Working With Director Brad Bird
Both Sarah and Huck shared how much they enjoyed working with Brad Bird (Director and voice of Edna Mode). Actually, every actor we interviewed heaped praise on Bird.
It was cool as a fan to hear that someone we *think* is magical actually is, well, FABULOUS, Dahling!

Huck Milner: “It was actually really fun [making Incredibles 2]. Brad Bird made it really fun, and he just made everything really fun and it was really amazing.”
Sarah Vowell:?”I just trust him so much, especially after the first film. He always uses the best take, and he is really entertaining. You know, he — because he?s the voice of Edna Mode. He is an exceptional voice actor himself. So, he does all the other parts.
And usually the first take you never use. Like he does such a good Holly Hunter impression that if he is doing Elastigirl?s part, I always laugh first because the kids? impressions are just so dead on.”
“But he?s very useful when it — you know, the more emotional scenes. And I was brought up to hide that stuff when you?re around people and especially sound engineers. So, there?s a scene where Violet has to cry, and Brad was very delicate and very helpful to me and really respectful. But, you know, because I trust him and because he really does believe in me and had to because I had never acted before the first film, so that relationship — because, you know, it?s been a third of my life now, I like being in that room with him.
Because I mean, for those of you who get older, you know the number of people who really believe in you and know what to do with you, it?s a pretty small number. And he has definitely been that for me.”
Emphasis, mine. I had to highlight that part because, yep, so very true.

Sarah on Being Cast as Violet
One of the burning questions for all of us centered on Sarah’s casting.
If you don’t know Sarah’s background- prepare to be impressed. She’s multitalented: a New York Times bestselling author, accomplished historian, public speaker, and radio personality (This American Life). Actress was not on her list of accomplishments until 2004 when she was picked to be Violet.
She offered some sage advice in the most Sarah Vowell of ways to anyone who wants to go into acting.

Sarah Vowell:?”It was because they were casting or thinking about casting the first film, and I think Brad was in his car listening to the radio and heard one of my public radio documentaries and was so taken with the gravitas and maturity of my voice that he made me into a junior high — he heard a junior high school student who becomes a superhero in that.
[tweetshare tweet=”People who are actors are like how do I become a voice actor. Like, go into journalism. – Sarah Vowell, Violet. #Incredibles2Event #Incredibles2 ” username=”noguiltlife”]
The Sibling Moment of The Interview
This really had us howling. As a journalist, I’m sure Sarah just can’t stop herself from asking questions! But Huck totally called her out on it- and it was hilarious to see them play off each other. This is where, despite the age difference, you could see the connection between them.
Definitely some brother/sister good nature ribbing going on here.

We wanted to know about the Incredibles toys and merchandise. What did it feel like the first time you looked at their character in product, like a doll or a towel or a shirt? Sarah quickly took over this line of questioning.
Huck Milner: “I — ”
Sarah Vowell:?”Wait. Did you own any Dash stuff –”
Huck Milner:?“I actually –”
Sarah Vowell: “— before you become Dash?”
Huck Milner: “No, I didn?t. I owned the movie. But right now I own this doll that has my voice coming out of it, which is pretty funny. And I think it is really cool how I can just press the button and then –”
Sarah Vowell:?”How many times have you done that?”
Huck Milner:?”I thought they were supposed to ask the questions.”
OH SNAP. Ha! So, Huck, how many times have you done that?
Huck Milner: “Maybe 100 or more. I don?t know.”
Great moment from these two!
If you haven’t seen them in Incredibles 2- it’s time! Buy Movie Tickets in Advance. And take the family (and be aware of some potential concerns with my Incredibles 2 review which shares my thoughts on Incredibles 2’s kid-friendliness.)
Incredibles 2 is in theaters now!
More Incredible Interviews and Posts from Incredibles 2 Event
The Incredible List of Jack-Jack’s Powers | #Incredibles2Event
Incredibles Birthday Party Ideas | Incredibles Cake Cookies Recipe
Written and directed by Brad Bird (?Iron Giant,? ?The Incredibles,? ?Ratatouille?) and produced by John Walker (?The Incredibles,? ?Tomorrowland?) and Nicole Grindle (?Sanjay?s Super Team? short, ?Toy Story 3? associate producer), Disney?Pixar?s ?Incredibles 2? busts into theaters on?June 15, 2018.

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Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.