Infinity Gauntlet Challenge Medal Revealed

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Avengers Cosplayers

ETA: ?In person, I think it looks a bit better.

Not as cheap or gaudy as the official images appear.

infinity 1

And, well… I’m dying.

I knew this was how it “had” to go, since, well, it’s the Infinity Gauntlet.

But I was so hoping for something a little more creative as far as interpretation. ?runDisney went with the literal.



The good news: ?there’s plenty of Sparkle Skirts to match this one.

What do you think about this medal?

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  1. Well, they didn’t exactly break out their creative big guns for the half medal last year, so I can’t say I’m surprised… 🙂
    Looks like the half ribbon still has the wrong symbols on it, though 🙁

    1. I think the half ribbon actually has all the symbols on it, depending on the side? I looked at it when I was there for Disneyland Half and it’s not just the 3 you see here.

  2. Space gem is on the back..does that mean we have to do 6 consecutive years to collect all the infinity gems? Hmm…

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