It’s TIME! Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Has Begun

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With the expo doors opening a wee bit early this morning, it’s ON!  The 2014 Walt Disney World Marathon kicks off today.  The hot item?  Why the brand new runDisney New Balance running shoes, of course!

I have to admit, the Cinderella shoes were on the bottom of my must have list… until now.  How pretty are these? If I buy a pair, I’ll run just like Jenny Simpson, right?  Come on friends, work with me here… it’s a fairytale after all!

What are your thoughts on the lines and the expo today?  I love what my friend, Janice at the Adult Side of Disney, wrote!  Be sure to check her thoughts on the expos and how runDisney could make them better with a few tweaks!  I happen to agree with her: when a FastPass is being issues to buy a pair of shoes, maybe it’s time to use that awesome invention… the Internet.

Are you at the Expo today?  What are your must have items?  I’d love to hear some live reports here in the comments or on Facebook!  Sound off, runners!

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  1. totes agree……. I mean, they are cute, but I can’t afford to wait in a long reservation line when I am on runCation. I would pay to have them shipped to me if they offered online ordering at the expo…. AND I would wait for that too. They did it with shirts….maybe will happen with shoes too….who knows. Just think a year from now….

  2. Ok I had put off watching the video, but when you’re right, you’re right. Those shoes are gorgeous… and I can see me rocking them in the parks… Crap. Take my money.

  3. Love that they have neutral this year! Not so much that its Cinderella. Might have to try on the guys and go with Goofy — there a little more my style:)

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