Kristen Bell Supports Irma Evacuees Like the Disney Princess She Is
I’m not going to let this go (see what I did there?): Disney Princess and all around amazing mom, actress, and singer, Kristen Bell supports Irma evacuees trapped at Walt Disney World and I love her for it.
Love. Her. For. It.
I just need a moment here to gush a bit about how cool she is and how she went above and beyond to support the Irma evacuees at a Walt Disney World hotel.
And it’s my blog, so I can. Ahem.
Kristen Bell Supports Irma Evacuees
To be fair, I’ve loved her for a long time.
The first time I remember seeing and loving her was in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall.” She was hilarious in this movie!
I was late to the “Veronica Mars” fan club, but I’m a solid top tier member now. If you haven’t watched this show, it’s so great! She plays a teen private investigator; if you are into YA fiction, this is up your alley.
And of course, Frozen. I still love that movie and can’t wait for the sequel!
Don’t judge.
But this weekend with her Irma support put my K-Bell adoration way over the top.

As everyone knows by now, Hurricane Irma ripped through Disney World last night.
It’s still early and I haven’t seen too many reports of damage, which I think is a good sign!
I did see a big tree pulled out of the ground at the Polynesian, but my fingers are crossed, that a few tree losses are all we hear about as the sun comes up in the most magical place on earth.
According to the reports, Kristen (I think she’d be ok with me calling her that) was in town for filming. She found herself stuck in Orlando to ride out the storm. It was a lucky thing, too, for her good friend Olaf, aka Josh Gad.
It was a lucky thing, too, for her good friend Olaf, aka Josh Gad.

Josh’s family are Floridians and were?in need of evacuation help
Along with half of the state of Florida! As you can imagine, they had a hard time finding a hotel.
Kristen stepped in and “saved my parents and entire family,” says Josh on Instagram.
My K-Bell loving heart went pitter patter when she tweeted back to him “Anna (hearts) Olaf”.
So she helped a friend, this isn’t any big news, right?
Not on its own, I suppose, but it was just the start of some sweet moments that she made happen throughout the weekend.
I don’t know, if I was a famous Disney actress on Disney property, I might hole up in my room and hope people don’t hear that I’m there. Because getting a picture of real life Anna would be pretty hype on most Disneyphiles selfie list!
I’m sure I’m not alone. But this is where Kristen and I are completely different.
Side note, I need to add WWKBD to my list of ways to be a better person.
The same hotel was playing host for a nursing home that needed evacuation. A friend’s husband was part of the team that helped move the seniors to the hotel and we?joked that maybe she would go play Bingo with them or something.
And sang, and took pictures, ate dinner, and I’m sure brightened their day. She is just the cutest thing ever.
Be sure to go to her Instagram feed to see sweet John sing to her. You Are My Sunshine was pretty much the perfect song for our Kristen!
She also visited a local shelter and entertained the kids and parents stuck there for the night.
She’s a keeper.
Her social media profiles say it all: Be Kind, Do Good, Spread Joy. I’d say she nailed that this weekend.
In this crazy sad world that sometimes feels like the bad outweighs the good, people like K-Bell remind us that we can do and be better.
On 9/11 it’s a good message to share. We can do better.
This world needs a little more K-Bell philosophy these days.
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.