How (Old Ladies Can Learn) To Use Snapchat

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Learn to use Snapchat- even if you are an old lady like me! Your kids are on it or at least know about it. Protect your family by learning how to use this social media app. Its a little weird, a little fun, but also a little intimidating! Teens | Tweens |Get Social


Yeah. Snapchat.

Yes, another app, another social media tool, another time suck.

And something that is CLEARLY set up for those young whippersnappers amongst us.

Old ladies like me can be taught?new tricks, though! And as a mom, I felt like it was important to know what my kids are exposed to.

I’ve been avoiding it for months, but a particular friend (cough, LolaLambchops) kept asking me to check it out and I finally did. Don’t say I never do anything for you, Tania!

Learn to use Snapchat- even if you are an old lady like me! Your kids are on it or at least know about it. Protect your family by learning how to use this social media app. Its a little weird, a little fun, but also a little intimidating! Teens | Tweens |Get Social

Guys, this wasn’t easy. Seriously- it took me way longer than I should admit making this part of my “story.” Yep, you have a story on Snapchat, or of course, you can send private messages.

Snapchat is different; it’s not as easy to “just figure it out” as I most apps I use are.

Learn to use Snapchat- even if you are an old lady like me! Your kids are on it or at least know about it. Protect your family by learning how to use this social media app. Its a little weird, a little fun, but also a little intimidating! Teens | Tweens |Get Social

I sent an SOS to my Snap Guru, Mindy, on Facebook for some help when a notification popped up and wouldn’t go away.

She quickly helped me get rid of that notification?and pointed me in the right direction to get snappin’.

I won’t lie; snaps are amusing stuff. This app has significant potential to suck my time away because it’s so amusing!

It’s also just a little weird.

I know people love it once they get it down, so I’m willing to give it a chance.

So the title here is?How (Old Ladies Can Learn) To Use Snapchat. I clearly still don’t have a clue. But remember my Snap Guru, Mindy? She loves the app and seems to have it all down.

Here’s Mindy’s rundown on how to get started on Snapchat. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Oh and if you want to follow me or whatever we do over there on Snapchat, you can find me at @noguiltlife.

Parental Note: When I downloaded it, my daughter instantly knew the lingo, offered to help me find the filters, and answered my questions. She’s 11- and NO, she does not have this app.

Her friends, however, are another story.

Even if you plan to keep your kids from their own accounts, they are still going to learn about social media through their friends. I choose to educate myself, so I have some sort of clue going forward.


Yeah. Snapchat.

Are you using Snapchat? What do you love about it?

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  1. Yup, that’s one of the main reasons I got on, to figure it out, because my kids were asking me about it. And I still don’t know how to use it…lol! That’s why I was waiting for you to teach me 🙂

  2. I recently got Snapchat too! Warming to young adults… this is exactly when you know to stop using it and move on to something else… when I finally gave in and got the app!

    I only got it to keep up with my young brothers, who have refused to accept my friend request.. those jerks! But my son and I have been enjoying taking lots of “throwing up the rainbow” pictures and videos! We are just cray cray like that !

  3. I’m starting Snapchat. I’m older dog than you. This social media is a different language. LOL. Just started blogging about 2 months ago, now instagram and today Snapchat. Overload. Love your blog. Thanks so much for sharing. BTW I’m in AZ too.

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