Mom’s List of Pokemon No-Go Locations

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Pokemon Go is just taking over the country. Guys, it’s crazy!

Everywhere you look, you’ll see kids and adults looking at their phones. Trust me, they are playing Pokemon.

I even witnessed this phenomenon at Disneyland- and the Cast Members were in on the game as well. (Here’s a guide to Pokemon at the Disneyland Resort in case you are visiting soon!).

I’m not the quickest adapter to new things, but even I downloaded this one today. I figured I should check it out myself and see what my kids were so crazy about.

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

As a parent, I have a mixed reaction?to the game.

I love that it’s getting my kids out of the house, even in 107 degree heat. The more they walk, the more they unlock in the game. So that’s pretty cool.

But at the same time, there are some hidden dangers associated with this game. Check out this awesome video put out by the City of Miami Police Department that explains pretty much everything you need to know about Pokemon Go, including those situations that can cause some concerns.


Remember how I said you can catch Pokemon anywhere and everywhere?

I meant it. Apparently, you can find them in places like the 9/11 Memorial, Auschwitz, and the Holocaust Museum.

Um, yeah. Those locations are certainly Pokemon No-Go’s.

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

Sad that they even need to be called out, but someone somewhere thought it was a good idea to play Pokemon in those locations.

I certainly have a few more places to add.

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

Mom’s List of Pokemon No-Gos

  • On the road. Don’t Pokemon and drive, people!
  • At the dinner table.
  • At a restaurant.

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

  • At church.Which will actually be pretty easy considering we are the only church in town that is not a Pokemon stop or gym. I’m not even kidding! We drove around and it seemed that every church in our city is a stop. Except ours. Ha!

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

  • Sacred places such as cemeteries or memorials.
  • Police stations. Or at traffic stops. Both of which I hope are non-issues!
  • Private properties that are clearly marked as NO TRESPASSING.
  • Sketchy areas like behind the grocery store building. No one needs to be “playing” in that alleyway!
  • Museums.

Pokemon Go is awesome. But there should be limits to where you play. Here's a list of locations that Pokemon should be a No-Go for your kids and family.

  • Movie theaters. Though I did allow them to play outside the theater. I mean, I’m not a monster.
  • The Grand Canyon (thanks for that one, Judy!).
  • The bathroom.
  • On their junk. Do I really have to say that? According to the internet, yes, yes I do. Lawdy.

Guys, catch them all… but not EVERYWHERE.

Where else would you add to the Pokemon No-Go list?

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