Live On Give On With Medtronic Foundation | $100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway
As a runner, my eyes have opened to the welcoming and generous community of people around me. ?Runners have strong hearts, and big ones as well. I’ve learned so much about giving to others through this community: small ways like supporting each other on Facebook through training and in significant ways like running with a friend who is struggling (Holla, Yanni!).
Runners: you rock my world. ?You are my ‘Ohana.
As you know, I was so moved by the running community that I ran as a charity runner for the first time this year at the Princess Half Marathon.
It was an emotional experience.
Knowing that what I was doing was making a difference in someone else’s life- that I was doing something more than just another race. ?It changed me, ya’ll,?and I thank you for your support.
Thank you for supporting me in my efforts as a Miracle Maker this year. ?We raised over $4,500, and I know the children’s hospitals will use those funds to enhance the lives of their patients, just like they did with my son, Jacob.
I ran because I could. ?I’m sure many of you understand that passion and desire to do more for others who just simply can’t.
I know many runners use their sport and their passion to give back to others.
When I was given this opportunity to talk about Medtronic Foundation and the Bakken Invitation, it reminded me that change doesn?t have to be some large movement.? Small acts of giving can make a huge impact.
Looking locally I see a lot that I can do (and you can too!) to help change the world.? I?ll get to that in a moment.
But first let?s check out what these 12 Honorees are doing around the world to change their communities.
The Medtronic Foundation chose 12 Honorees this year.? Each has a specific lesson they learned through their health scares.
I was inspired by ?Dr. Thomas Okello, 36, of Uganda. ? My son had heart issues and underwent many hours of cardiac surgery in the hopes of saving his life. ?Thomas went through his struggles.
As a young boy, he received a double heart valve replacement. ?Getting this life-saving treatment is not something everyone in his country has access to, but he became a doctor himself in the hopes of helping others.
[Tweet ” #liveongiveon ?An RHD diagnosis doesn?t have to be the end of your life.? – Dr. Thomas Okello ?”]
Thomas gives back through the?Uganda Rheumatic Heart Disease Registry at the Uganda Heart Institute. ?He brings light and education to his condition, as well as support others who may suffer the same diagnosis.
He’s simply amazing. ?You don’t have to become a doctor to make change, however. ?There are plenty of small, local ways that you too can help your community.
Maybe you can volunteer at a soup kitchen, provide toiletries for the homeless, or put on a canned food drive? ?You can ?give back to the animal shelter in time or supplies. ?I know they are always looking for assistance in my area. ?Some children’s hospitals will accept gently loved stuffed animals. ?That could brighten a sick child’s day!
Look around you and I promise you’ll see a need. ?Try to fill it. ?You’ll be so happy you did.
Whatever you choose to do, I hope it’s with an open heart for service to your community.
Please visit the?Medtronic Foundation Bakken Invitation Honoree?page and read about the other 11 amazing people highlighted this year.
I also hope this inspires you to give back to your community, much as I was inspired to give back to the children’s hospitals around me.
Please enter to win this $100 Visa Gift Card that you can share with your community. ?Leave a blog post comment telling me how you’d share the funds, and which Honoree inspires you this year. You must be 18 years old and a US resident to win. ?Contest ends at midnight MT on March 18, 2016.
Which Honoree inspires you this year? ?Do you live with medical technology that has changed your life?
Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
Great post!! I am very tempted to run for Charity for the DL DD in September but am too frightened that I won’t secure the required $$…I work in a school (teachers have no $) and I have a tiny family…not sure who else I’d “beg” for donations. 🙁 Congrats to you for this accomplishment!!
Oops – I forgot to say how I would use the $100 funds…since I work at a Parochial school, we are always doing mission projects. We support a school in Haiti, so I would buy supplies that they are often needed – toothbrushes, toothpaste, pencils etc.
I’d donate the $100 to Treasured Time. They are a local, non-profit organization that gives the gift of moments to families with a parent with a life-threatening illness (kind of like Make A Wish for parents). I was honored to have been able to plan a trip last year to Walt Disney World for one of the families. It’s amazing how much that trip means to them now that the father has passed.
I hate to sound cheesy, but all of the honorees are inspiring. Any time someone is dealt with any kind of major illness, and then turns it around for good is awe-inspiring in my eyes.
My family is from Spain and I like the story from uan Carlos Hernández Corredera.
I would donate to my local food bank where I volunteer so they can buy a lot of food for the Hungry! I l am inspired by Andrea Volfova who is from the Prague, Czech Republic and has had cardiovascular disease and she says: CHOOSE LOVE AND COMPASSION, EVERY SINGLE TIME. How awesome!
The story of David Simmonds moves me. I like that he helps other Parkinson’s patients.
I like the story of Lisa Visser from Minnesota
I would donate food to our local food pantry
i would share it with my local 4-H organization to help after school activtites. I like Youth With Diabetes (YWD); IDF Young Leaders in Diabetes
Each one of them is inspiring. Their stories are so moving. I’d use the money to help our Kindred Spirit It’s a local Atlanta home for young pregnant girls. They help them through their pregnancy and to get them on their feet to make a better life for themselves and child. #GiveServeLove
Twinkle VanFleet inspires me the most, “WHEN YOU THINK YOU CAN’T, MAYBE YOU ALREADY HAVE.” is such a powerful motto to me. I would share the fund with St Jude Children’s hospital.
Lisa Visser comes from a town close to where I grew up. I admire her commitment to the community. I’d use the funds to help ADLA, The Humane Society, and other animal organizations in AZ.
I work with chronic pain patients daily and find it amazing that Twinkle V. is able to not only function with such a debilitating illness, but thrive enough to promote awareness, advocate, and provide support for others dealing with chronic pain. I would donate the money to Amber’s Angels. My friend Wendy’s daughter passed away a few months at the age of 19 after a lifelong battle with an immune deficiency disorder. I never met her, but I think of her often. She was in and out of Dell Children’s for so many years and requested that donations be made to them in her honor. Amber’s Angels makes sure each child at Dell Children’s Hospital gets a gift bag on Christmas and provides other gifts and activities for the children throughout the year, such as movie nights once a month and monthly deliveries of coloring books and crayons. They are pretty amazing. 🙂
I like the story of Lisa Visser from Minnesota
I would love to donate food and supplies to a homeless shelter with the money.
Every story was extremely inspiring to read. I really love Qi’s story and her efforts to spread awareness on diabetes.
TWINKLE VANFLEET’s story inspired me. I’d share this with a friend who is suffering from the same illness and is unable to work.
Tanya Hall is inspirational. It is scary to be born and deal with having a hole in your heart and all the side effects and health issues that arise from it. She stayed positive, worked and dies what she can to deal with it, started a site to help others like her get answers, and lives the best life she can. I do not live with medical technology. jslbrown2009 at aol dot com
ANDREA VOLFOVA’s story was very touching to read. I teach children and it was upsetting to see that she had a tough childhood but I’m so glad that she was able to turn everything around 🙂 One of my close friends was competing in a softball match and collapsed on the field. She completely stopped breathing and after our coach performed CPR on her, they brought her back. They don’t know why it happened but her heart just stopped and they ended up putting a pacemaker in her.
There’s not a minute that goes by that I am not in awe and inspired by my kids. They show me all that is right in the universe, even though I know what the battle through on a day to day basis to make it through. As I’m heading to work with kids in the Dominican Republic soon, I’d love to add to their very sparse library
Kerry’s story inspires me! I feel like education with the condition you (or a loved one in my case) is living with is so important, and not only to educate yourself but others as well. I love that she educated herself, and has grown to help educating others and starting pilot programs, that’s so inspiring! I’d use the $100 to do something nice for my children, they are going through a lot right now, particularly my eldest who was just diagnosed ADHD, and their father is leaving overseas for awhile. I think they could use some fun money and fun time!
I was inspired by Qi Zhang. My sweet nephew was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at about the same age she was so I made that connection to her immediately. If I won, I would give the $100 to the social worker at my son’s school. 1 in 5 kids there live in poverty, and she could help get it to the kids and families who really need it.
I’m inspired by David Simmonds’ story, and his dedication to living a full life despite his battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He works hard to help others with the same disease. I would donate the $100 to Open Hands, Overflowing Hearts, a foundation created by my friend Kayla Perry, who is raising money to fund research to end childhood cancer. She is also living her life to the fullest, despite her battle, and wants nothing more than to find a cure.
Inspired by Andrea. I come from a family with many with heart issues..
Tanya Hall is a great inspiration. I was also born with heart problems and her story is so inspiring . I would use the 100 to help less fortunate children in my community. To help give them a better head start in life.
My friend Angela, is a single mom and a survivor of Stage 3 breast cancer. During times I think I would just cry and give up she still could laugh and bring joy to me. This year I am honored to run for her and raise money for a local organization here in Northern VA called the Step Sisters ( Cancer SUCKS! I would happily donate $100 to these incredible women.
I would share the funds by donating them to Cardio vascular research. I was inspired by Lisa Visser’s story having had a heart attack at the age of 26 and 26 years later she is volunteering her time towards the cause
Qi Zhang’s story is inspirational and reminds me of my own neice’s journey of being diagnosed with Type I diabetes at such an early age. I would donate the $100 gift card to CoxHealth foundation, the hospital where I work, so they can help patients who need financial assistance.
I love Tanya Hall’s story. I love the quote “As the saying goes, she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” So inspiring to keep going through chronic conditions!
If I won, I would take the $100 and purchase books for a local charity called Kate’s Kart. They buy books and give them free to children in local hospitals while they are there. So many parents have commented how this free gift and distraction has made a huge difference in their child’s positive outlook on the hospital.
Dr. Thomas Okello’s story inspires me the most.. I like that he became a doctor himself to help others and fight against the disease that so greatly affected him.
If I won I would donate the funds to our local Hospice/Gatehouse. My father recently had to use them for his end of life comfort and care. They were amazing.
I love Dr. Okello’s story. I think it is wonderful when someone takes a bad situation and turns it into something good. Him becoming a doctor to help others was so inspiring.
David Simmonds’ story inspires me because I have known more than one family with a member living with Parkinson’s, so I know how difficult it is, and it is so great that he is making the best of it with humor and music and giving back to others.
….and yes, medical technology has saved my life.
I am touched and inspired by David Simmonds story about living with Parkinson’s Disease. I like that he works to help others with the disease.
Qi Zhang inspires me for following her childhood dream. I would share the funds by helping friends & family out.
I love David Simmonds story! Especially how he travels to talk with others that are affected by Parkinson’s. What a testament to finding hope in a very challenging disease ? I would love to also donate to a charity, though it is hard to pick just one! Maybe split it up into $25 for 4 different charities doing good work? Noah’s Light would certainly be one of them ?
Kerry inspires me because my family on both sides of the family have diabetes. It’s one thing to watch people go through life having it but its so much harder when it is your own family. Now my best friend has been living with it for about 5 years and another friends who’s 2 year old son has been diagnosed. Kerry using what she knows to teach others. And as a teacher myself it inspired me to continue to stay healthy and do all that I can to do not get diabetes as well as learn more.
I’d use the money to run for a cause like CMN next princess half since my tinkerbell races are all paid for.
Twinkle Van Fleet inspires me. We are nearing the fourth anniversary of the death of my mother-in-law, who suffered from multiple chronic pain issues. She died due to her pain medication, which was known to be dangerous, but was the only thing that worked for her. I hope that advances in care for chronic pain issues can help others live a better life without fear of their medications!
If I won the gift card I would donate it to my son’s first grade teacher. We live in a state that doesn’t allow schools to ask parents to provide supplies, but also doesn’t provide funds to the teachers. This means teachers are required to provide all of their own supplies, down to copy paper for handouts. I volunteer in the classroom, so I know the crayons and markers are on their last legs, and the pencil sharpener is broken (again). It would be wonderful to provide Mrs. Patrick with the means to replace some supplies without it coming from her own pocket!
Sheila Vasconcellos’s story inspires me because I have a few family members with diabetes. I know that it’s a tough illness, but she keeps fighting and giving back! That is truly awesome to me! I really enjoy giving back as much as I can. My mom and I help donate clothes and furniture to our local Kidney Foundation. We also send monthly donations to help support a few great charities we believe strongly in. I do not live with any medical technology.
My son has autism and has lots of therapy sessions so I would donate the $100 to one of the agencies that provides services to him.
I am also inspired by dr Thomas Okello. I like that he received help for himself and will in turn help many other lives through his. Care
Lisa Visser from Minnesota inspires me. These modern day heros blow my mind
Lisa Visser inspires me for helping the homeless as they are often forgotten. I would contact my local shelter and see what they are in need of!
Our family is part of the Food Pantry Ministry from our Church, If I win, the gift card would go towards the ministry’s weekly budget. I am inspired by Lisa Visser. Thanks for the chance to win
I really respect all the honorees but I love this message – Sheila Vasconcello –
I give back to my community through my work with our local council against the abuse and neglect of children.
Lisa Visser’s story is very inspiring. She devotes her time to helping the homeless. I give weekly to our local shelter and also volunteer to cook and serve dinner there once a week.
Sheila Vasconcellos inspires me the most because my younger sister became diabetic when she was 5. 3 years ago I donated a kidney to her and last year she had a kidney transplant. She is doing fantastic and helping out the older population. My grandkids and I collect new toys throughout the year to donate to toy drives at Christmas. This GC would help out with this project.
Andrea. I appreciated her story and dedication. I would use the gift card to pay it forward.
I am very inspired by Twinkle’s story because I cannot imagine having to live with chronic pain. She not only has had to deal with this symptom of her medical condition, but she has used her life to raise awareness for CRPS/RSD and neuropathic pain diseases and disorders. Wow!
I give back to my community by donating clothing and personal needs to our local womens shelter. I do this because I know how fortunate I am to have more than I really need, and want to do what I can to help others.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I’m a nurse so I’m constantly inspired by all of the fighters that I see every day. I wanted to become a nurse for as long as I can remember. My brother was in the hospital quite a bit and we always had nurses that went above and beyond. I knew that that was what I wanted to do when I was older. I loved reading all of the stories but was immediately drawn to Twinkle’s story and her quote “”WHEN YOU THINK YOU CAN’T, MAYBE YOU ALREADY HAVE.” I think it’s so true, that everyone has those moments of doubt but before you know it, you find yourself crossing over that finishing line.
I’m inspired by Andrea Volfova’s story! She has been able to accomplish so much despite having a difficult start as child. I like her quote of “CHOOSE LOVE AND COMPASSION, EVERY SINGLE TIME.” You really can’t go wrong with being a kind and compassionate person! If I won I would use my gift card to buy supplies for our local animal shelter!
I found Twinkle’s story inspiring. I have a friend who lives with chronic pain and it can be difficult for those who do not to understand.
I don’t live with medical technology ~ yet…
I am inspired by Sheila Vasconcellos’s story. Type 1 Diabetes is something that our family deals with and I like how she dedicates herself to helping children with cancer and blood conditions.
I’m inspired by David Simmonds who lives with Parkinson’s Disease and uses humor to deal with it. I would use the Visa for our residents in need program through our school.
I was inspired by Twinkle’s story. Chronic pain is a bear all day, every day. It takes powerful strength to face each day.
I would use the funds to help out with daily tasks of moms I know dealing with chronic pain.
I am so inspired by Lisa Visser’s story, she is amazing and I love that she gives back to the homeless. I give back to the community by donating to local charity organizations and also to local animal shelters. If I won this one I would help someone in need thanks for the chance.
Andrea’s story was my favorite to read. My best friend has a congenital heart condition and she reminds me so much of Andrea. They’re both fighters and have used their conditions to inspire others.
I would have to say that would share it by donating food. In inspired by Qi Zhang this year
I like David’s quote about using humor to lift a burden. They are all inspirational!
I love Andrea Volfova! My family history is cardio disease and would love to help this cause!
Really inspired by Vincent. He’s had numerous heart attacks and is still fighting for something that he believes in.
I studied psychology and parkinson’s disease was always something that I was interested in. David’s DBS shows just how far technology has come and I’m inspired by his upbeat personality.