How Long Is A Marathon?

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No, this isn’t a trick question.? A Marathon, as most runners know, is 26.2 miles long.? That’s the technical answer anyway.

Runners know this number very well.? It’s on our shirts, it’s on our hats, and it shows up on car bumper stickers.? We’ve even seen plenty of tattoos sporting the accomplishment inked forever on runners bodies.? And I’d even bet that it’s found on your goal list, or possibly on your no-way-never-ever list.

In my case, it’s been on both lists (and FWIW, won’t ever be inked on my body- though I suppose I shouldn’t say never).

I swore from the moment I started racing that I’d never consider running 26.2.? The Pixie Dust rotted my brain because I am on board for my first marathon in 2015.? Yeah, to make matters worse, I signed up for Goofy.

Goofy 2015

Now that’s a lot of miles.? I’m not even going to think about it.? Not yet.

I am thinking about the marathon though.? I’m more concerned about that race than I am about the 13.1 the day before.? I feel like after 12 halves (with 3 more scheduled before the Marathon weekend comes around) I’m mentally prepared for the half distance.? I’ll be physically ready for it as well.

Really, I’ve got this.? The half that is.

But that 26.2 is what weighs on my mind.? Some days I psych myself out thinking about it.? I’m trying NOT to do that and hope this post isn’t making you hyperventilate a bit in anticipation of your first marathon.

That’s not my goal.? I’m hoping by talking things through and mentally working on acceptance I’ll be ready to conquer my first full.


If you are like me, you find different ways to consider the distance.? I’ve come to the conclusion that 26.2 miles is a pretty freakin long way, y’all.

Maybe you’ve said things like:

So that’s like my morning commute… but running.

Or crossing a football field… 461.5 times.? The .5 would be what killed ya!

Oh wait- that’s like going from Orlando International Airport to the gates of the Magic Kingdom… but running.? Yeesh.

Marathon collage

Think about this map the next time you take the Magical Express into Walt Disney World.

That map is looking pretty scary right now.? I’m at 9 miles for my long run (so I might have made it to FL 417 on the map!) and I have some time to build the mileage.? I must do it slow and steady since I’m prone to injury and the last thing I want to do is attempt this mileage with any ouchies going on.

While having this marathon talk about how long the marathon actually is with myself, I found this fabulous infographic from Rock ‘N Roll and the Competitor Group.

How Long is a Marathon?

Puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? Again… yeesh.

Are you one of the estimated 541,000 marathon finishers last year? Do you plan to run one anytime soon?? Do you have any mental tricks or tips you’d like to share?

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    1. I go back and forth between NOW is the time and WHAT WAS I THINKING daily. I’ll put in the training and hope I can block out my thoughts because I really think mental is my biggest hurdle. I can do the miles with my feet, just not sure about my head! Good luck on #2!!!

  1. YES! You can do it. Don’t think too much about the distance (I know it’s hard to do). Remember when running 10 miles seems was a daunting task??? Look where you are at now. You did quite a bit half marathon already. Before you know it, you’ll embark on the mileage you never try. 14 miles, 16 miles, 18 miles…etc. You’ll get there by taking it one step at the time.

    When things are tough (and they will be), think about the moment when you WISH you can run (when you were injured, sick) and keep on keeping on.

    Your mind IS stronger than your body.

    See you at the course in January!

  2. AHHHH!!!! Don’t do this! You’ll psyche yourself out! It’s like any other run. You put one foot in front of the other and eventually you cross the finish line!

  3. I’ve tried not thinking about it. Yep, that will help me. I guess I’m just focusing on the company and the diversions along the way. Totally freaked out though but just know it will be done. Somehow.

  4. Ignorance is bliss-try not to think about the actual distance and focus on the training. The Galloway plan is amazing (I adapted it when I ran the LA marathon this year and it worked wonders!). And no worries-we all freak ourselves out. I’m so worried about my rundisney race schedule this year.

    The most important things are planning for the long runs. I was way too cocky for my 15 mile run and crashed and burned. I also learned more about my running from the 23 and 26 mile run then anything else (like how I need to take margarita shot bloks for salt, how I cramped and at mile 20 because I lsckdd electrolytes-mostly potassium), how around mile 21, I need to half my intervals to keep moving).

    Trust your training and you will do fine!

  5. You can do this girl! Train, and try not to skip out on your long runs. You’ll need to focus a little more on the “other” stuff, like fuel, what you’re wearing, etc. You will always remember that finish line–it will be so sweet 🙂 Enjoy the journey!

  6. My motivation for Goofy in 2013 (I DNSed due to injury while training) was being able to drink at World Showcase before crossing the finish line. I had this big goal of finishing with one big beer from Germany in each hand, smiling (out of a mix of drunkenness and pain) for my finisher photos. Sigh. One day.

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