Mom Monday | The Teen

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I’m at that stage.  And I have no idea what to do here.

It’s unchartered water, and no one warns you how bad it’s going to be.

Well.  Okay, they warn you, but you don’t listen.

You nod your head along and think, well, that’s how YOUR kids turned out.  Mine?  Pssshhhh… he’s different. He’s so sweet and loves his mama-oh-so-much, this will never happen to me!

And you’re a good friend and don’t want to judge another parent, so you just smile and nod.

Because, really.  Just look at this face.  Will he EVER be a problem child?

Ten years ago…
Nope, never. Not this one.

Oh yeah.

THIS one.

The suddenly taller than me man-child that loves to eat, and doesn’t have the decency to gain any weight.

The dude who forgets his baseball cleats at home on the day of the big game.

Ok, let’s be real.  This happens in some form for every other game.  Forget shoes, helmet, bat… you name it, I get the text begging for a quick drop off.

Mom, the last time I’ll ask… I promise!

luke baseball

He’s the one that can’t remember to do his project until 9 pm the night before it’s due.

He’s got girlfriends.  A new one every two months, and each one “will be the love of his life FOREVER!”

He likes to pick fights with his siblings simply because he has a bigger vocabulary than they do.

He’s the one who asks to have friends over and makes 4 of them try to sleep on the couch.  Even though there are two guest beds available. One of which was 15 feet away.

Luke couch

You’re killing me, Smalls.  

The great thing about my teen: he sees it all too.  When I point out the fact that he can’t remember anything, he admits with a shy blush that he knows he’s grown forgetful.  When I explain that his host skills were less than ideal, he laughs and says, “Oh yeah, I forgot about those beds…”.

He’s a good kid.  Just a little… well… dumb at times.

Oh, one last thing… the shoes.  Good lawdy with all the giant shoes all over the place!

Can we just do something here?

shoes and backpacks

To my mamas with littles, I have this to say.

It’s going to happen to YOU.  There is no avoiding the teen brain that comes with longer legs and quicker minds.  They will be growing faster than you (or they!) can keep up with, and all you can do is hold on for the ride.

It’s a ride I wouldn’t pass up for the world.  Even though some days I might want to lock him in his room until he’s 40ish.

What?  There’s nothing wrong with that, right?

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  1. I have one of those too. They go from being sweet and loving to teasing every sibling they have. Mine thinks he’s in charge of them too. It is cute watching mine have his first “girlfriend” (I think she likes him, but he doesn’t want any kind of commitment). He’s also figuring out what he wants to do (design game consoles for Nintendo) which is really cool at this age, because you know it’s what they’re going to pursue. They’re still great kids, they just get louder and smellier. Lol. My daughter will be there in a few years. She’s not girly, so hopefully that will cut down on the drama (fingers crossed). 😉

  2. He’s cute though. He waits for me to give him a hug and a kiss in the morning before he goes to school. He just started doing that this year when he started high school. 🙂

  3. the girlfriend thing reminded me of his Disney Halloween costume. “I would DIE for Riley.” Hang in there Mama

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