
Fall Break #MomentsToSavor

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tradewinds iced tea

We were on fall break in Arizona last week, and guys, this is one of my most favorite things about Arizona.

A week off school in October is priceless. You all know I?m firmly ?team school year? vs. summer, but it?s still a crazy busy time around here.

Ever since school started in early August, we?ve been on the Go! Go! Go! schedule of classes, sports practices, games and tournaments. It?s exhausting, y?all!

Fall break travels took us to California on a road trip. Soccer games were a highlight! The cooler was full of Tradewinds Tea, and we surely had #MomentsToSavor #ad
Soccer for all! This season meant Lucy was ready to play, too.

While I love having my kids active and in school, and we really need the schedules, it?s nice to get a little break snuck in there. A week is just the right amount of time to allow us to sneak away to visit the cousins in California as well.

I?m always up for a road trip, especially one that is legit and approved by a school schedule!

We made it to northern California last weekend and immediately got into the swing of things with the cousins. These kids are pretty great. They are matched in age with my oldest three; my sister was kind enough to make sure to have kids at the same time as me. Ha!

All the cousins getting some together time this summer in Texas.

Thankfully, everyone really gets along as well. Best friends for life, I suspect. And that makes me smile.

I wasn?t lucky enough to have cousins close to me growing up, and I missed that! I love that all these yahoos seem to enjoy each other and get along happily.

Arriving in the middle of October does have its downside. The cousins do not have a fall break. Boo on California! This should be a thing everywhere, c?mon school districts! Let?s get on the same page.

But it?s ok that we arrived when they are still in their fall schedule. We?re getting to see the water polo practice, the soccer games, and the batting cage sessions. Since we live so far away, we don?t get to come to the games and tournaments, so we?re taking advantage of these #MomentsToSavor this week.

Fall break travels took us to California on a road trip. Soccer games were a highlight! The cooler was full of Tradewinds Tea, and we surely had #MomentsToSavor #ad
A cooler of Tradewinds tea and snacks made these #MomentsToSavor with the cousins.

I loaded up the cooler with Tradewinds Tea and some snacks for a weekend at the soccer fields.

We had a little bit of rain, some crazy winds, and a lot of fun watching my nephew play the sport he loves. Well, one of them anyway.

I can?t keep up with how many different teams the kids are on at any given time, and give mad props to my sister for keeping their schedules straight.

But she loves watching them too- a momma?s heart soars when her children excel.

Fall break travels took us to California on a road trip. Soccer games were a highlight! The cooler was full of Tradewinds Tea, and we surely had #MomentsToSavor #ad
My awesome sister watches about 6 games a week. That?s a lot of soccer, y?all!

We?re having a great time this week and I know my family loves being here. They love it so much they turned down a trip to Disneyland to be here, if you can believe it!

I get it, though. Family is special and more magical than anything Mickey could come up with. These are the #MomentsToSavor that we?ll remember for years to come.

Fall break travels took us to California on a road trip. Soccer games were a highlight! The cooler was full of Tradewinds Tea, and we surely had #MomentsToSavor #ad

Tradewinds Iced Tea?is available nationwide, and I?m happy to report it?s easy to pick up at my local?Fry?s.?Learn more about how you can buy Tradewinds?here.

Tradewinds Slow-Brewed Iced Tea is available in 18.5 oz bottles or gallon sizes, and it comes in a variety of flavors like Raspberry, Hint of Lemon, Green Tea with Honey, Sweet?Tea, and Unsweet Tea.

Fall break travels took us to California on a road trip. Soccer games were a highlight! The cooler was full of Tradewinds Tea, and we surely had #MomentsToSavor #ad

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  1. Fall break sounds like something we could really use here. The girls would love to be able to get together with family and friends without all the stress of holiday planning.

  2. We went on vacation in October too but we don’t have a school break. Not many are traveling so it was a nice time to go somewhere. Lucky you got to go to Cali. I hope to go there within the next year because it’s my favorite place to be!

  3. family is definitely special….my kids would rather visit family than go on any other type of vacation. Looks like you all had a great time!

  4. Hi! Fellow Arizona Desert Dweller here! I was surprised the first year my daughter went to school and I learned of the fall break and now, I love it! So much to do and savor during that week!

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