Mondays: Don’t Mess With My ‘Ohana

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My DisBroad friends and I have a lovely little saying for Mondays.

We’ve deemed this day Bitch and Moan Monday, or BAMM for short.? We get all the negativity out in one day so the rest of the week can be delightful.? It’s a fun little process that sometimes leaks over to our blogs (see here and here for examples.)

Monday knife

I got a head start on BAMM last night when I took to Facebook to address something I felt was very wrong.? If you missed it, the ugly mess is still up on my page.

I stand by what I wrote last night because my running friends are my ‘Ohana.? As you know, ‘Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind.

And my runDisney friends are the very definition of family.

sunrise YC

To be expected, not everyone agreed with me.? There’s been backlash.? Some people say I had no business in this situation and should just stay out of it.

Fair enough.? If that’s how you feel, I can respect that.? Really, I do.

But just so we are all clear here:
[Tweet “If you mess with one of my friends or family, I will not hesitate to call Shenanigans on you. #Ohana”]

For the most part, I see the best in people and will always give the benefit of the doubt.? But when there’s clear lying going on that affects one of my ‘Ohana’s livelihoods, you can bet I’ll say something about it.

I appreciate those that commented on the issue in support of a small business woman trying to get paid for her work.? I also believe that this issue IS going to be resolved soon and that all parties will be satisfied- especially those that loved the shirt designs and wanted to purchase them.

ETA: 7.21.14? The issue has been resolved.? Jane will be the only place you can buy these awesome designs.? Be sure to click HERE to reach her etsy store.

Tower 10K Jane
Used with PERMISSION from fitplusfearless on etsy.

I hold no animosity toward the offending company; they made a mistake and they are making steps to correct it.? Mistakes happen.? It’s how a company handles the mistakes that matters.

And because it’s Monday and I need to lighten up, here’s? few memes that amused me this morning.

Monday dino



That’s what’s on my mind for BAMM.? Feel free to sound off in comments on what’s bothering you this Monday morning.? Get out the negative energy and let’s make this week rock!

Sharing is caring!

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  1. I saw your posts on FB last night and hope that steps are being taken to correct everything.

    I don’t know. Monday is pretty good so far. I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I stayed up too late reading so it was my own fault. Have a great week!

    1. My Monday is going well too- thanks to an early (ahem, 4am!) run to purge the thoughts in my head. Sounds like a good book if it kept you up late! 😉

  2. Yes, that’s how this group rolls, “no one gets left behind”. These friends stand with you through thick and thin and mile after mile. Love you all.

  3. I love BAMM, but today is an awesome Monday, so no complaints here. Way to stick up for your friend, though!

  4. Personally I think what you did was right, you stood up for a friend to someone who was um, taking advantage of her…..OK, I say stealing, but words….. I know it was appreciated by many. Thanks for having your friends backs!

  5. No one gets left behind till the evil balloon lady catches you….
    Honestly just the fact they posted on fb the situation had been corrected when it wasn’t proves they needed some public shaming to get their act together. You have lots of followers, and you choose to use your powers for good so well, stinks to be dishonest and caught for them I guess.

  6. Hi Patty! I just started running (well, 5 weeks ago) and just found your page. Love it!! You Disbroads are awesome! Uh, and remind me to never piss you off. 😉 Way to defend your ‘Ohana!

    Monday, not so bad. Ran (okay, ran/walked) 2.25 miles this morning, in spite of my app messing up *twice*. It’s hot and humid and going to rain this afternoon, so a perfect day to stay in, read running pages, and crochet a blanket for a friend’s dog.

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