45+ New Years Eve Movie Quotes For Your First 2024 Instagram Captions

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Is your New Year’s resolution to make a splash with your Instagram captions in 2024? If you’re looking for something clever to say as the ball drops about new beginnings and fresh starts, borrow some from this list of the best New Years movie quotes. Go ahead and have a great new year’s eve party, and don’t forget to share it on the ‘Gram!

new years quotes from movies

Happy New Year 2024!

There’s something about turning over the proverbial calendar page and starting fresh on January 1.

So many “new year, new me” hopes and thoughts floating around cyberspace.

Let’s spice things up a bit next year by considering that maybe the past year wasn’t actually so bad.

Sure, you probably stopped thinking about those New Year resolutions somewhere between the end of your New Year’s eve party and mid-January as the holiday season began to fade.

But that doesn’t mean it was a total loss!

And if it was– well, these New Year’s Eve movie quotes will help you find some inspiration for second chances to make 2024 a beautiful place.

Here are some of our favorite New Years Eve Movie Quotes you can steal for your first 2024 Instagram captions.

new years eve movie quotes - la la land

45+ New Years Movie Quotes For Your First 2024 Instagram Captions

You don’t roll the dice on New Year’s. — A Lot Like Love

I solemnly swear I am up to no good. — Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Everybody’s having fun out here. They drinking, they fighting, they pissing on the streets. It’s New Year’s Eve. They loving the ladies. -Disco Cabbie from 200 Cigarettes

And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. – Billy Crystal as Harry from When Harry Met Sally (our favorite New Year’s Eve scene!)

when harry met sally new years eve movie quotes

I’m sure we’ll all live to regret this. — A Long Way Down

You’re fired.- Bill
It’s Christmas.-Sebastian
Yeah, I see the decorations. Good luck in the New Year. -Bill from LaLa Land

New Year’s is the worst night of all to go out. It’s total amateur night. People who don’t drink or go nuts all year are suddenly going all Kanye on you. It’s like a war zone out there. -Ashton Kutcher as Randy in New Years Eve

Yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it — you can either run from it or learn from it. — Rafiki in The Lion King


You know how I always dread the whole year? Well, this time I’m only going to dread one day at a time. — Charlie Brown

When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, truly, truly, good and kissed? – Guy
Dave Gammelgard, New Year’s Eve, ’61. – Faye in That Think You Do

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. — Lord of the Rings

It’s the same old story. Boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girl dies in a tragic blimp accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year’s Day. -Frank
Goodyear? -Jane

alfie new years movie quotes for instagram captions

In a flash, I have my New Year’s resolution – aim higher. -Alfie Cartwright from Alfie

There are no other guests, we don’t want to share this night with other people. — Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard

A little party never killed nobody. — The Great Gatsby

When that ball drops at midnight — and it will drop — let’s remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long. — Hilary Swank as Claire in New Year’s Eve

That’s all. – Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada

Ready? Showtime! — Hugh Jackman as The Greatest Showman

I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.- Edna Mode, The Incredibles

rent new years movie quotes

Some people swear there’s no beauty left in the world, no magic. Then, how do you explain the entire world coming together on one night to celebrate the hope of a new year?” — Claire from New Year’s Eve

525,600 minutes. How do you measure a year in a life? – Rent

If you focus on what you’ve left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead. – Ratatouille

Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.- Bette Davis as Margo Channing in All About Eve

Just here to find my Troy Bolton. – Me, because, duh, Zac Efron

high school musical new years eve quotes

2011 New Years Eve Movie Quotes

Did you catch the 2011 movie New Year’s Eve?

It stars… well, maybe it’s easier to say who isn’t in it.

Because it seems like everyone was in this movie! Maybe it was just missing a Brad Paisley cameo, but everyone is in it.

Just to namedrop a few from the New Year’s Eve movie cast:

new years eve movie quotes from 2011 movie
  • Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Zac Efron
  • Robert De Niro
  • Halle Berry
  • Cary Elwes
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Common
  • Jessica Biel
  • Seth Meyers
  • Sarah Paulson
  • Carla Gugino
  • Katherine Heigl
  • Jon Bon Jovi
  • Sofia Vergara
  • Ashton Kutcher
  • Lea Michele
  • Jim Belushi
  • Sarah Jessica Parker

Seriously- the talent bench goes deep in this one!

We quoted a few favorite lines of dialogue above, but here is a list of even more great New Year’s Eve movie quotes.

If you haven’t seen this one, it’s worth a watch if you like a little sappiness on your TV.

New Year's Eve movie quotes 2011 Sofia Vergara holding champagne
SOFIA VERGARA as Ava in New Line Cinema’s romantic comedy “NEW YEAR’S EVE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

Some people swear there’s no beauty left in the world, no magic. Then, how do you explain the entire world coming together on one night to celebrate the hope of a new year? – Claire Morgan

Nothing beats New York on New Year’s Eve. – Stan Harris

Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world we can’t control. Earthquakes, floods, reality shows… But it’s important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts… Because the one thing that turns the world from the longing place to a beautiful place… is love. Love and any of its forms. Love gives us hope… Hope for the New Year. That’s what New Year’s Eve is to me. Hope and a great party! -Sam

It only happens once a year: New Year’s Eve. It’s a time when hopelessness can be romantic, and a resolution can become a revelation. And when one night can change everything. -Narrator

My New Year’s resolutions: If you can make these come true by midnight, you get these… -Ingrid

Four tickets to that party? You called the right guy. -Paul

Let’s go honey. Nobody wins when pregnant women fight. -Griffin

New Year's Eve movie quotes. Ashton Kutcher and Lea Michele
(L-r) ASHTON KUTCHER as Randy and LEA MICHELE as Elise in New Line Cinema’s romantic comedy “NEW YEAR’S EVE,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

So you went out for a slice of pizza, right? And you may have just run into “the one.” You know what that is? -Grandpa Jed
Insanity? -Sam
Serendipity. You don’t mess with serendipity. – Grandpa Jed

I want to go to Times Square tonight. -Hailey
That’s highly doubtful. -Kim
You know I’m fifteen mom! This is not a training bra! -Hailey
And this is not girls gone wild! -Kim

Remember, second chances don’t expire until midnight. -Claire

My water just broke! -Tess
All of it? -Griffin

I’ve been plotting that slap for years. It wasn’t nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. (slaps) That was closer. -Laura

jon bon jovi katherine heigle new years eve movie quotes

What would you do today if you knew you would not fail? – Sam

Kevin: I’m just gonna go home and kill myself. You wanna share a cab?

Lucy: So I can pass out and wake up alone on New Year’s Day?

No matter if your final countdown happens at home with Chinese food or at a wild party, we hope these New Years Eve movie quotes gave you some inspiration for some great adventures.

Pick your last words for 2023 and some perfect ones for a new life starting on New Year’s Day in 2024.

To borrow from Taylor Swift: we’re feeling ’22 is out the door and ’23 is just going to be so much better.

Frank Sinatra once sang The Best Is Yet To Come!

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