It Was So Nice I Ran It Thrice | Tuesdays on the Run
You know we like to pick your brain a bit around here. Tuesdays on the run is always looking at what makes you tick. Or tock. Or run or walk or whatever.
This week we want to know if you prefer repeating races or finding new ones to run.
Do you have a favorite standby that you must do every year? Or are you a run and done kind of runner?
Link up with Erika,? Marcia and me for this week?s Tuesdays on the Run!
It Was So Nice I Ran It Thrice
I’m a run walk run repeater. This pattern extends to the races I choose to run as well.
If I liked it once, I’ll do it again. And again. And probably again.
I know there are a million reasons NOT to repeat a race. Here are a few:
- The location: you’ve been there once, why go back?
- The course: no surprises. You know what’s going to happen so where’s the excitement?
- No challenge in it: trying a new course requires you to adapt to a new situation as the weather or elevation.
I get all that. I don’t even disagree with it.
But for me, being the special snowflake headcase that I am, that thought process doesn’t always work out for me.
I’m better when running races I know.
Part of it is a comfort thing; I have race anxiety at times that I’m just now learning to push past. Probably a good topic for another post, but getting to the start of a race can be scary for me.
See my marathon post for prime example number one.

This anxiety is the main reason that I tend to repeat the races I know and love.
The Princess Half Marathon is one example. I’m heading toward year number seven if I make the return to this race in February. Which, let’s face it, is probably happening.
I like the course, alright. Not too hilly, not too flat, not too boring.
The location, you know I love Walt Disney World so that’s always a plus.
This race has it’s problems, however. Big ones. And around mile seven each year I swear off this race.
And by they, I mean my friends.
I will admit that a good group costume, the?promise of laughs with friends, and that pretty tiara medal will probably sway me to sign up once again.
If I wanted this to be a PR type race, I know the course well enough that I could make it happen. And if I don’t, well, I know I’ll have a great time out there on the course regardless.
I don’t have any new races on my schedule this year just yet. I’m eyeing a few new options?but haven’t made any choices just yet.
Are you a repeat race runner or are you always looking for a new challenge??
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Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
I can totally relate & Love the title of your post 🙂 I have run the Disney Marathon thrice!! I love running, but I may love Disney even more, so any excuse to combinethe two is sheer bliss for me. My Hubby & I are planning to head back in 2018 for the 25th year Celebration of the Marathon ( we were there at the 20 th), and go full on Dopey, can’t wait!!! Maybe I will see you there??
Princess is one we Continue to go back to each yr. We did not go this yr since we did Marathon wkend but are definitely going back next February for it.
I’ve been mixing things up between once and done ad repeats. This year is mostly about the new with four new races, including my first trail race and first ultra. Still not sure if they’ll be onesies or repeats, but can’t wait to find out!
I’m a bit bipolar. I like a challenge and I like knowing a race!
And we’re still really, really, considering Phoenix in Oct. But still not sure.
Just sayin’.
I like to run different routes, but repeating a race is definitely a good way to set a PR. I don’t want any surprises if I’m trying to hit a goal!
Does Princess and WDW half count as the same? :-p It is the same course.
I have some races that I do every year, I have not done one at Disney but one day I think we will do one.
I never really thought about repeating the same races would help you make new PRS. hope you have a great week.
I totally feel you on getting drawn in (again and again) by friends. Its FOMO at its finest. I like knowing the course too.
Princess was my first half marathon in 2013 and holds a special place for me, too. I will probably continue to do it as long as I’m able. I’m trying to go legacy for the Glass Slipper Challenge. I think, like you I tend to do better when I know what to expect. I will probably do Star Wars Dark Side yearly as well. I also have a close race in the NC mountains that I like to do every year, The Scream half marathon. It is downhill and is my proof of time for Disney. I find that some races I can take or leave. After the 5 year series of Space Coast is done, I probably won’t go back. However, sometimes it is the company the brings me to a race… and sometimes it is the pretty medal. 🙂
I did Princess twice, and have a few local to Indiana races I have done multiple times, but I try not to repeat. I like changing it up, and also can’t always swing a race to the World.
I fin that I like running repeats of local races….it relieves my race anxiety and I always know what to expect…besides the weather of course.
I also would love to run a Disney race..totally on the race bucket list!
Freaking Princess Half Marathon. Grumble grumble.
I totally agree with this — I get pre-race anxiety so knowing where I’m going (parking and driving wise) plus knowing the course definitely helps calm the nerves. 🙂
i do a mix of both – local races I tend to repeat, but anything with travel just gets done once (at least so far). For a PR, I’d definitely want to be a course I know to minimize my nerves.
I get the pre-race anxiety thing… but it is exciting not knowing a course and just flying by the seat of your pants (sort-of).
It sounds wonderful to have friends to pull you back in after mile 7! I always know when it’s Princess Half weekend, when all those crown medals show up in my Intagram feed.