My Night Wanderer | Motorola Baby Monitor Review

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I’d like you to meet my youngest, Lucy.

Lucy collage

Or as I call her, #OhLucy.

As in… ohhhh Lucy…. take Luke’s underwear off your head.

And ohhhh Lucy… stop yelling at Claire and Seth.? 6,000 rounds of “I Spy” is enough when you keep picking the same color (white) and the same item (your shoes).

She’s a full-fledged 3-year-old and has been bossing us around since she arrived unexpectedly in 2011.

By unexpectedly I mean we didn’t plan on having more children.? I did the dumbest thing a mom can do: declared my baby days were over and gave away every last item of babyhood I owned.

Including my old video baby monitor.? Ahem.

BAM… like that the universe laughed at me and I became pregnant with this little girl.

Lucy mickey Treat

Being the seasoned mom I had become I didn’t rush right out and buy all new items.? I knew there were things I could avoid re-purchasing.

The video monitor was NOT on that list, however.? I wanted a new one but never got around to the research needed to find the right one.? Plus I had my own little monitor, Claire, to keep me posted on Lucy’s nightly shenanigans.?? Let me explain.

My house was divided by the sexes: the girls were up all night and the boys slept through it all.? To this day, it still holds true.

I quickly discovered that Claire’s own motherly instincts kicked in well before mine (what does THAT tell you?! Ha!) and she would come and let me know when baby Lucy needed anything.? As the kids have gotten older Claire has thankfully gotten better at sleeping through the night.

#OhLucy, however, is just hitting her stride.

It is “normal” for me to wake up to go to the bathroom at 3am and hear her singing in her room.? It’s “normal” for me to lay her down at 8pm and check on her at 10pm to find a kiddo sitting up in bed reading a book.?? I was ok with this “normal” since she was staying in her room and not disrupting anyone.

But then things changed.

Kids, as they tend to do, grow.

Lucy discovered that she could finally reach the door handle and the light switches. ? Things became dicey around here.

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Instead of waking up and playing in her room at 3am, she’s getting out of bed, turning on the lights, leaving her room, and wandering the house.? Yikes!? She’s turning on every light as she goes and any TV she can access.

I woke up in a panic nightly wondering what kind of mischief she was getting into!

There was no denying it: I needed that video baby monitor.? The Motorola MBP36S came just in time!

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My old 2001 version of a video monitor was ginormous!? This sweet thing is small and compact.? Technology sure has come a long way!

Setup was a cinch.? I plugged in the camera in Lucy’s room and set the monitor by my bed.

When I turned it on I think I squealed and then giggled.? This monitor is TIGHT!

The? Motorola MBP36S has it all:

  • This monitor showcases a full-color LCD screen. Plus, you can remotely pan, tilt and zoom.
  • You can even peek in at night with the infrared night vision and use the picture- in-picture feature to keep an eye on multiple rooms.
  • Temperature monitor: you’ll know if the baby’s room is too cold or too hot just by looking at your screen!
  • Two-way communication.? The ultimate luxury is pressing a button and calmly reminding Lucy that it’s sleep time not play time.? I don’t have to leave the bed!
  • 5 lullaby options.

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Since we started using the monitor her nightly wanderings have stopped before they started.

I’m aware of her waking up and am able to reach her before she gets out of bed.

The monitor’s clear screen and audio alert me to her movements.? I can choose to speak to her through the 2-way communication button or get up and talk to her if it looks like she needs a little extra cuddling.

I love looking over at the screen to see what she’s up to!? With #OhLucy, it’s usually something entertaining- even at 3am.

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The monitor is small and portable enough to take to Grandma’s too!

Because it’s small and lightweight, we’ve taken it to my parents house as well.? I take the monitor to the back porch and watch the older kids swim and know exactly when Lucy is ready to join us!

But the real perk here is more sleep.

No more waking up to blinding lights and blaring TVs.? She’s falling back to sleep sooner and so am I.

If you are in the market for a baby video monitor, I can highly recommend the Motorola MBP36S.? You can shop for yours HERE.

What feature of the video monitor do you like the most?? Do you use one with your children?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. First, #ohLucy is adorable!!! Second, that is some serious technology right there. I only had the old fashioned audio monitors for my kids. I imagine if I had this monitor, it would have been awesome to just take a look and see they were ok instead of going into their rooms. The talking both ways thing is really cool too.

  2. Being small and compact…makes it perfect for spend the nights! I like the 2 say communication too. With my only, she refused to get out of bed until I came in her room, until she was 6 LOL. Though my nephew and Oh Lucy would be best buds – he was out of the crib before he could walk. Baby monitors are GREAT even past the baby years! AND Lucy is adorable.

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