Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest

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Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest was a blast- and my kids agreed! Here’s what happened and why you should put it on the calendar for next year!

Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest

I had a geeky three days at the Fan Fest last weekend.  The whole tribe loved this family focused event at the University of Phoenix Stadium.  

I posted a few things on my Instagram feed (be sure to check those out- including the sword fighting video).


Fan Fest


We participated in Marvel Jeopardy! and my kids LOVED playing along.  

Some of the questions were way out of our league, but there was enough there that we could make a good showing.

This event is smaller and more low key than the big Con that happens in June, but I think it was the perfect activity for kids.  

I appreciated all the hands-on options and entertainment that was available to them like LEGOS and the Parkour course.  

And, well, a few Zombies.




I loved attending the panels with Dirk Benedict (Face from the A-Team), Kevin Sorbo (Hercules), Alan Oppenheimer (Skeletor) and Melendy Britt (She-Ra).

It was a fascinating look behind their masks (if you will), and I highly recommend attending one of their panels at a future con.  

All four panelists were funny and very open with their lives and experiences in the industry.


Kevin Sorbo


The cosplayers were out in full force- and as always- on point!

I had to stop these familiar “friends” for a quick picture.




Thank you, Phoenix Comicon, for the media passes.

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