Princess Half Marathon Corral Watch 2015

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UPDATED 1.29.15:? Corrals and Event guide released!

Yes, this is a thing.

Remember when I warned you about running the Princess Half Marathon?? You can take a moment to refresh your memory HERE if you’d like.

When the runner tracking link went live on Sunday, the madness began.

And I’m loving every minute of it.


This is the Super Bowl of my blog, y’all.? This is why people started reading me in the first place and why they seem to hang around (thank you, by the way!)

The good, the bad, the ugly, and the sparkly things are all covered here when it comes to Princess Half Marathon weekend.

Right now we are in the unknown grey area as we know what our bibs numbers are (thanks to the Waiver Link) but we don’t know what it MEANS exactly.


Will the corrals be the same as last year?? Will there be more?? Will there be less?? How long will I have to wait if I end up back in Corral Z?

The speculation and questions are endless.

I suspect we will get official word from runDisney soon (today? this week? Maybe next?) as far as corrals and final instructions.? For now, you can check the 2014 information to give you a general idea of where you might land.

I repeat:? 2014 information… GENERAL idea.?

The corrals could look totally different this year.?? The start times could be different as well.

But for historical reference, this is how the corrals took off last year.

PHM corral times 2014

Be sure to watch the blog and the Facebook page for updates.

I’ll post as soon as I see the 2015 corral information and final instructions coming out.

Until then, lets just remember a couple of things.

First, Ryan believes in you.


Second, all the worry comes down to one thing:? you trained for this and you are ready for this.

Just keep moving forward and you’ll have the most amazing experience of your life.

Where you start doesn’t matter as much as where you end: with these babies around your neck!

gsc 2015

Good luck Princesses!

What are you MOST looking forward to over Princess Half Marathon Weekend?

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  1. Im running this, too! Im looking forward to dressing like a princess, the shiny medal and proving to myself that i can do it!

  2. I didn’t even know the waivers were out. Now I’m super curious what corral I’ll be in. It’s starting to feel real and I’m freaking out! Signing up for the back to back race sounded like a good idea at the time. I just really like the medal. 🙂

  3. I am simply brimming with excitement for this run! I got my bib# & corral placement! Now for a peek at the Dooney bags! I’ve been a princess in training for 7months now! Can’t believe I will become an official princess in 3 weeks! That medal will be my most prized possession!

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