Race Shirts Fit For the Princess In All of Us

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You’ve seen the bling, now check out the race shirts!  I love them.  Yes, even the (gag) white one.  It’s actually my favorite design.  

#runDisney princess 10k shirt! pic.twitter.com/D2g1EIZ0Y4
? Amy Smith (@pumpkin2princes) February 5, 2014

#runDisney princess half shirt! pic.twitter.com/r5H9akvpUt
? Amy Smith (@pumpkin2princes) February 5, 2014

#rundisney glass slipper challenge shirt! pic.twitter.com/BIVgdhsHxP
? Amy Smith (@pumpkin2princes) February 5, 2014

What do you think Princesses?  Did runDisney PR this one?

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  1. Ok, now that you mentioned it is grey, that’s ok! I was a bit bummed when I thought they were both white! Not that I don’t like white, but didn’t need them both the be the same color. I’m perfectly happy with the grey and blue shirts but was secretly hoping for something extremely girly like pink and Lavendar! Do you think they are trying to be more neutral now that more men are running these races? Where did these pictures come from? Any sneak peek on the 5K shirts?

  2. I am SUPER-PSYCHED that they are NOT overly girlie colors! I know I’m running the Princess, but I am so not a girlie-girl; tomboy all the way and I happen to really like the grey – I’m thinking it’s almost silver 🙂

    1. I’m with you! I’m not the most feminine woman, and I’m constantly fighting with my MIL re: clothes and toys for my daughter.

  3. Not really digging them. Princess, to me, is to be regal and elegant and these look cartoonish and boring. Princess last year featured a gorgeous purple colored shirt and I was jealous for not signing up then. They have changed the color of the medal from pink to blue this year until the 10th anniversary. Why not a beautiful royal blue colored shirt? I know Champion makes them as I was just at their factory store this weekend and they featured gogeous jewel toned running gear. Sad. Can only hope Dopey 2015 are just as nice as this years!

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