Racecation Packing List

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The Disneyland Half Marathon weekend is upon us.

If you aren’t on your way already, you will be soon!

Disneyland patty

It’s time to start thinking about your racecation packing list.

My plan?? Put the suitcase out on the floor and start dropping things in it as needed.

It’s probably not the most efficient way, but it’s gotten me through my races thus far.


One of my running buddies put this list together last year.

I’m going to share with you her very detailed list of suggested items.? This was specific to her own racing plans but can easily be adjusted to reflect yours.

It’s important to note that some items should only be packed in your carryon case.?


race day rule

Because airlines lose things.

It’s not cool when that happens and you don’t want to be scrambling at the Expo trying to replace items.

Like shoes.

Or a sports bra.

Or in the case of a Disney race- a costume!

What you should pack:

Dana Packing list

I’ve got my bag out and started.? I’ll be adding to it all week and crossing things off my list.

Are you heading to Disneyland this weekend?? Tell us your favorite packing tip!

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  1. I am packing but not for Disney πŸ™

    Love this list though, she’s even got my breakfast/recovery drink of choice on there!! No, not beer — the Carnation Instant breakfast πŸ˜‰

    Have a great trip!!!

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