The VOID VR | Coolest Thing Ever! Ralph Breaks VR Experience
There are cool things in life, and then there are COOL things in life. I recently experienced the coolest of all cool things when I had a chance to preview the Ralph Breaks the Internet experience with The VOID VR. And as you can probably guess, I had no chill over this whole thing! You can get your tickets for the Ralph Breaks VR experience with The VOID VR now- and after you read my review, I know you’ll want to do it ASAP!

Thanks, Disney and The VOID, for partnering with me on this experience as part of the Ralph Breaks the Internet Event.
Sometimes I take a moment and look around to think- What Is This Life?! I mean, some very sweet experiences have come my way and I know I have much to be thankful for.
One of those moments happened when I put on the VR gear and entered my very first virtual reality experience at The VOID. We were some of the first non-employees to take a trip through the Ralph Breaks VR experience.And, y’all, I’ve never experienced ANYTHING like this.

I’m not sure anything can completely prepare you for a virtual reality game, but I’m going to give it a try.
Trust me: you NEED this in your life!
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What is the Void VR anyway?
Think about the premise for Ready Player One – where people enter a hyper-reality world through the magic of technology. It’s not sci-fi, guys; you can actually do this at The VOID VR experience.
I know, mind blown!
At The VOID VR, you put on the virtual reality gear and enter a fully immersive, multi-sensory gaming experience.
It. Was. So. Cool.

Look, I’m a huge lover of the Internet. I’ve been hooked ever since that first AOL disk showed up in my mailbox back in the early 90s.
So I’ve always said I’d love to go inside the Internet and check things out. Curiosity and all that! I guess I’m a little like Ralph and Vanellope in that way.
With the help of ILMxLAB, Lucasfilm?s award-winning immersive entertainment division and Ralph Breaks VR, I can say I’ve unlocked that achievement!
Want to hear the best news? YOU CAN TOO.

The Void VR Review of Ralph Breaks VR
Confession: I’m not much of a gamer, or even a super competitive person. I’m totally cool coming in last or just having fun at most things.
Until you talk me into playing a board or video game of some sort. Then all bets are off- I’m in it to win it.
We quickly found out that not only was the Ralph Breaks VR experience charming and adorable, it was also a game. So you know I had to win this thing! (Spoiler: I totally did. BOOM!)
Here’s what you can expect when you show up at The VOID.
You’re put into teams of 4 and you break into the internet with Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope von Schweetz. Break in… and come pretty close to actually breaking the internet as well.
The big guy knows no other way!

You get to pick your own avatar or “Netizen” which is also pretty fun. I chose a purple guy with a bushy mustache, but somehow that ended up being my friend’s avatar and I had a good laugh every time I looked at her.
Guys, it all felt SO REAL. You could touch things and shoot things and feel things through your vest and backpack.
During the game, Ralph and Vanellope show you around the Internet and take you to two new locations: the Dunderdome and Pancake Milkshake Diner.
This is where things get fun – and a little competitive. You walk from room to room with Ralph and Vanellope guiding you at every turn. You can touch the walls of the Internet- which was a little trippy!
The food fight scene was hands-down my favorite. If you “accidentally” shoot a friend, they feel it. (It doesn’t hurt or anything but that’s part of the whole immersion!).
Not coincidentally, it’s also where I scored the most points.
While I was concentrating on flinging pancakes around, I was also laughing hysterically and probably had a stupid grin plastered on my face the whole time. Unfortunately, no video or photography allowed inside the game.
Or maybe in my case that’s a good thing since I’m sure I looked a little crazy!
The whole experience took about 30 minutes.
I can sum up my Ralph Breaks VR review with two words: cool and smart.
It was all so well done, so smart and clever, and so very, very cool. I might have said that a few times, eh?
But really: SO. COOL.
One tip: look everywhere! Look up, look down, look over the edge of the railings. There are so many incredible scenes going on that I’m certain I only experienced a fraction of the Internet.
How much does the Void VR Experience Cost?
I’m pretty conservative when it comes to spending money on things (outside of a Disney Park ticket- ahem!). Especially when I’m considering taking my family of 6 anywhere.
Ticket costs can add up quickly with that crew!
But I think the ticket price of the Ralph Breaks VR is something we’d splurge on. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life so it’s worth the $29.95 to $34.95 per person cost.
You can go ahead and pre-order your tickets on
What are the age and height requirements for The Void VR Experience?
There is a minimum age limit for The VOID VR. And everyone must be 48″ to play.
Guests under 16-years-old must have a parent/guardian on premises to sign all paperwork in person.
Parents: wait until your kiddos are 10 or older before you promise them they can participate in the Ralph Breaks VR experience!
Where are the Ralph Breaks VR VOID VR locations?
There are four locations to choose from for your Ralph Breaks VR experience. And luckily for those of us who visit Disneyland and Disney World, they are super convenient!
- Anaheim, CA (The VOID at Downtown Disney)
- Glendale, CA (The VOID at Glendale Galleria)
- Las Vegas, NV (The VOID at Grand Canal Shoppes The Venetian | The Palazzo)
- Orlando, FL (The VOID at Disney Springs)

What Sizes Are The Void VR equipment?
I’m not a tiny person by any means and often worry that I won’t be a physical fit for certain activities. Plus-sized friends: you feel me.
At The VOID VR experience, this was not a problem!
I am happy to report that the bloggers of all shapes and sizes were able to comfortably wear The VOID VR gear.

They told us that there were extension straps available if requested. The main piece of gear is worn backpack/vest style that goes on over the shoulder.
It is about 20 pounds of gear, but it was distributed well and I didn’t feel I would fall over backward or anything.

The helmet can be tightened for smaller heads and extended for larger ones.
And it was all extremely comfortable!
Are there any Ralph Breaks The Internet Spoilers?
Valid question! I couldn’t leave this off The VOID VR review.
Ralph Breaks the Internet comes out on November 21, 2018, and you can go ahead and get your tickets for Ralph Breaks VR for the same opening date.
But if you happen to do Ralph Breaks VR and then go into the movie- will anything be spoiled for you?
I say no. We had the same experience (Ralph Breaks VR first, the movie later that night) and I didn’t think there were any major spoilers given away during the VR game.
Fairest Red Carpet of Them All | Ralph Breaks The Internet Red Carpet Premiere
Should You Be Concerned about Motion Sickness at The Void VR?
You shouldn’t!
We asked the folks who created the program if that was something we should worry over.
A few of us had minor issues in the past (think simulator ride experiences) and wanted to be prepared before our game started.
They assured us that steps had been taken to remove anything that might cause a problem.
Our awesome team most definitely did not have any motion sickness issues at Ralph Breaks VR. We all wanted to do it again immediately!
We had unfinished business in the Pancake Milkshake diner, y’all.
About The VOID
The critically-acclaimed global leader in immersive virtual experiences, The VOID experience centers have marked a new frontier in interactive entertainment. Combining state-of-the art VR technology, physical stages and multi-sensory effects, including touch and smell, with Hollywood characters and storylines, The VOID lets participants experience fully-immersive worlds that, until now, have only lived in the imagination. The VOID has eight experience centers globally, including five locations in the United States, two locations in Canada and one location in Dubai, U.A.E. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit and follow @voidvr on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
“Step Inside Our Stories”
ILMxLAB was launched by Lucasfilm in 2015 to embrace the next truly transformative opportunity in entertainment: immersive storytelling powered by real-time computer graphics. The award-winning team strives to transition from storytelling to storyliving by using VR, AR and other emerging technologies to bring worlds to life and establish deep and intimate connections to characters. ILMxLAB develops and publishes premium, story-based immersive entertainment experiences for the home, theatre and public venues. For more information, visit and follow ILMxLAB on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
About Ralph Breaks the Internet
In RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET, video-game bad guy Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) and best friend Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) leave the comforts of Litwak?s arcade in an attempt to save her game, Sugar Rush.
Their quest takes them to the vast, uncharted world of the internet where they rely on the citizens of the internet?the Netizens?to help navigate their way. Lending a virtual hand are Yesss (voice of Taraji P. Henson), the head algorithm and the heart and soul of the trend-making site ?BuzzzTube,? and Shank (voice of Gal Gadot), a tough-as-nails driver from a gritty online auto-racing game called Slaughter Race, a place Vanellope wholeheartedly embraces?so much so that Ralph worries he may lose the only friend he?s ever had.
Directed by Rich Moore (?Zootopia,? ?Wreck-It Ralph?) and Phil Johnston (co-writer ?Wreck-It Ralph,? ?Zootopia,? writer, ?Cedar Rapids?), and produced by Clark Spencer (?Zootopia,? ?Wreck-It Ralph,? ?Bolt,? ?Lilo & Stitch?), ?Ralph Breaks the Internet? hits theaters on Nov. 21, 2018.
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RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET arrives in theatres everywhere on November 21st!
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Patty Holliday is the owner and creator of all things No-Guilt Universe. As a lifelong fangirl and pop culture connoisseur, she’s been creating online since 2009. You can find her work at No-Guilt, No-Guilt, No-Guilt Life, and as host of the top-rated No-Guilt Disney Podcast.
What a crazy cool experience! I will definitely have to check this out the next time I am at Disney Springs.