Update: It’s Live! runDisney Virtual 5K, Anyone?

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ETA 4.28.16. ?You can read all about the series of virtual races here.

There have been some rumors going around the past couple weeks about this one.

We finally have some proof it’s in the works, thanks to our favorite intern Skippy.

(Skippy is our pet name for the CM who makes all the mistakes on the runDisney website- has to be just one guy, right? He’s moonlighting over on the general WDW site it seems. 😉 )

So this was found on the Walt Disney World Annual Passholder page.

Virtual 5K rundisney race

The link to it won’t work, but it looks like there’s yet another opportunity to earn some runDisney bling.

At home.

Without the parks to run through.



my initial skepticism is changing to optimism. This could actually be a lot of fun for families too young to run at Disney. Take the kids in a stroller around the parks and make a 5K out of it. They get in on the action as well.?

Families with disabled or autistic children who can’t quite manage to compete in an official 5K at the parks could also be included with something like this. That makes me smile.?

My brilliant friend, Jane, suggested taking the medal on its own 5K race around Boardwalk and Epcot. Complete with beer, food, character stops, and ride shenanigans. ?You KNOW I approve of this idea.?

So- money grab? Absolutely. ?Worst idea ever? I’m not so sure.?

What says?you, runners. Brilliant idea or just another money #thanksshanghai money grab?

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  1. It seems odd that they would only offer it to Passholders. I’m sure there are tons of people around the country who would pay to get a Mickey medal.

    1. Same. Will there be a shirt included? Race box? Banana? Hahaha.

      I’m going to guess with a shirt $55. Without one, $40. And a rubber medal not real due to shipping costs.

  2. Get off your bass……not Disney’s style or writing throughout the whole thing. And I don’t believe that Disney would trash it’s reputation as a running organization by letting people basically buy the medals. Money hungry….yeah lately they do seem to be, but not enough to let you sit at home and say you ran/walked/strollered a race and give you a medal. Next they’re be selling them at Disneystore.com . But, hey, since I’ll never be able to run or walk 3.1 miles (or even the .1) I guess I’d buy a medal as a gag.

    1. We shall see how this all turns out. The copy is suspect, I don’t disagree, but it was indeed on the official site for at least an hour today.

  3. I actually kind of like the idea. I can run this with E at home and don’t have to worry about pulling her out of school.
    Could be fun. She will still get to experience it in person at some point. But this is a good compromise in the meantime.

  4. Meh. Seems like a total money grab to me. But I admit that I’m just not a fan of virtual races period unless its to raise money for a charity. I can’t see myself pay for a medal which is how I view this one.

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